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hi guys.
i connect to internet through CERNET, and i can't sync my abs tree directly.therefore im looking for a site that provides the newest abs tree in a tarball daily.
Is there any sites do that?
im not a native english speaker feel free to correct me if im rude or wrong.
english&linux n00b
Well you can download the packages from to ftp you need and install them manual with pacman -U <pkg> on your Arch PC.
There is also a db file that contains all the packages/versions in the current or extra tree, this file is also downloaded by pacman when you sync. But i don't think you can install this file manual.
thanks but i think there is a misunderstanding(my poor english....sorry).
i can use pacman to install packages because there are some mirrors in our country.
i just wanna sync my abs tree.the "tar ball"i said means something like abs.tar.gz which contains the whole abs tree and all the contents(PKGBUILD,patchset,etc).
english&linux n00b
Why don't you make a local cronjob for doing "abs && tar && bzip2" on your pc?
Why don't you make a local cronjob for doing "abs && tar && bzip2" on your pc?
and i can't sync my abs tree directly.
He can't access the abs tree directly. Therefore the cronjob does not help him at all
He can't access the abs tree directly. Therefore the cronjob does not help him at all
yes,that's the problem. :cry:
english&linux n00b
You could get the PKGBUILD you want through the CVS web interface:
You could get the PKGBUILD you want through the CVS web interface:
yes,that was what i did.but it's really a hard work when i wanna build a lot of packages or some BIG packages(like mozilla-firefox,there are too many files to download).
i really hope that some one could sync the abs tree daily and tar it and share the tar file on internet through a daily snapshot of the abs tree.
english&linux n00b
I would be willing to make tarballs but I don't have anywhere to host them online.
I did a script to tarball and upload it to:
As I update my abs tree more or less daily, it will be an up-to-date version.
I did a script to tarball and upload it to: I update my abs tree more or less daily, it will be an up-to-date version.
thank you very much ,you are so kind to do that.
english&linux n00b
if it's not too much traffic (and when we assume 10 downloads a day, there are 900MB/month, which is not too much) there would be also a german free webspace provider, where i have an account to host that file on... just in the case that...
thank all of you guys very much:D
i think a up-to-date tarball for the abs tree is neccesary in that there always are some people who can not access the cvs server directly.
i wonder why there was not a official server did that.
english&linux n00b
I did a script to tarball and upload it to: I update my abs tree more or less daily, it will be an up-to-date version.
Vraiment fascinant les éruptions solaires. Franchement au-dessus de mes capacités d'assimilation, mais il est tout de même intéressant de voir à quoi mes collègues des autres facultés de udm travaillent.
Bonne journée.
thank all of you guys very much:D
i think a up-to-date tarball for the abs tree is neccesary in that there always are some people who can not access the cvs server directly.
i wonder why there was not a official server did that.
Probably because it's not very efficient. Instead of downloading a few kB, you need to download the whole abs tree (~3.8MB). Iassume you can't use abs because you use a proxy to connect to internet. Is that correct? Other users had thi problem. The best thing to do would be to add, if possible, proxy support to abs.
Vraiment fascinant les éruptions solaires. Franchement au-dessus de mes capacités d'assimilation, mais il est tout de même intéressant de voir à quoi mes collègues des autres facultés de udm travaillent.
Bonne journée.
8) Par curiosité, dans quelle faculté travailles-tu?
Probably because it's not very efficient. Instead of downloading a few kB, you need to download the whole abs tree (~3.8MB). Iassume you can't use abs because you use a proxy to connect to internet. Is that correct? Other users had thi problem. The best thing to do would be to add, if possible, proxy support to abs.
yes, it's not efficient,but will give people another way to choose when the direct way does not work.
no, im not using a proxy.but some ports (or protocal) is blocked on the gateway.:)
english&linux n00b
Par curiosité, dans quelle faculté travailles-tu?
Non non, je ne travaille pas. Je suis étudiant au bacc. en économie-politique. Après m'être cassé la tête à calculer les angles de réfraction de la lumière à travers des lentilles au secondaires, je me suis rendu compte que la physique n'était probablement pas pour moi. Depuis je me contente d'aller au planétarium une fois par année (même si je suis tout le temps décu) et de faire semblant de comprendre quelques textes comme le tiens. Ça m'a toujours vraiment impressionné l'astrophysique... Mais heureusement que je me suis orienté autrement parce que maintenant les sciences sociales me le rendent bien
Mais heureusement que je me suis orienté autrement parce que maintenant les sciences sociales me le rendent bien
I will stop hosting the abs tree as Judd started to do it twice daily. More details in: … 08208.html
I will stop hosting the abs tree as Judd started to do it twice daily. More details in: … 08208.html
got it.thanx
english&linux n00b
I will stop hosting the abs tree as Judd started to do it twice daily. More details in: … 08208.html
The URL of the snapshot isn't working anymore. Is there any other place I can download a abs tree snapshot?!?
Contact Judd about it. It might have been mistakenly removed when the web site was redesigned.
Maybe someone has the new address?
I'm also behind a firewall that block my csup connexion…