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Fun with awesome
Arch Linux 64bit Awesome WM
My setup
Last edited by Montague (2015-07-28 03:03:26)
Another XMonad. Having fun with transparent terminals.
Nice.What is your gtk theme?
And... here... we... go!
Last edited by Montague (2015-07-28 03:04:21)
Hopped off the transparent terms bandwagon. Looks so much better!
- Acer C7 (coreboot+SeaBIOS)
- Arch Linux x86_64
- herbstluftwm
- termite w/artwiz-limey
- 2x lemonboy bar w/personal mod of artwiz-cure
- conky (feeding both bars)
- firefox+vimperator+custom userchrome (not shown)
- ncmpcpp (ditched cmus-fap for now)
- vim w/buftabs and some other plugins, vim-hybrid-git colorscheme
The source files are an HTML5 webapp written with Jade (compiles to HTML), Stylus (compiles to CSS), and LiveScript (Haskell meets CoffeeScript, compiles to JS). Who'da thunk it, you get an actual workflow this time, rather than some staged setup!
Finally updated my Git repos, all applicable configs should be in there.
Currently running Arch on a Samsung Chromebook Pro (dual booted with ChromeOS), and various VPSes and Docker containers.
Hopped off the transparent terms bandwagon. Looks so much better!
Nice one – mind sharing the wallpaper?
iv597 wrote:Hopped off the transparent terms bandwagon. Looks so much better!
Nice one – mind sharing the wallpaper?
Currently running Arch on a Samsung Chromebook Pro (dual booted with ChromeOS), and various VPSes and Docker containers.
I decided to change to a slightly less distracting setup.
The other one had too much unused reality and whatnot.
Anywho, messing around with R lately (among a few other programming languages),
as well as doing some code cleanup / trying to salvage [or remove snippets of] old Zsh scripts.
Window manager is still `herbstluftwm'.
Nice, though a little faded for my tastes.
PS: Angel-A
Hopped off the transparent terms bandwagon. Looks so much better!
- Acer C7 (coreboot+SeaBIOS)
- Arch Linux x86_64
- herbstluftwm
- termite w/artwiz-limey
- 2x lemonboy bar w/personal mod of artwiz-cure
- conky (feeding both bars)
- firefox+vimperator+custom userchrome (not shown)
- ncmpcpp (ditched cmus-fap for now)
- vim w/buftabs and some other plugins, vim-hybrid-git colorschemeThe source files are an HTML5 webapp written with Jade (compiles to HTML), Stylus (compiles to CSS), and LiveScript (Haskell meets CoffeeScript, compiles to JS). Who'da thunk it, you get an actual workflow this time, rather than some staged setup!
Finally updated my Git repos, all applicable configs should be in there.
Hi iv597,
I see you use Acer S7 and you installed seabios. Would you mind telling us how did you do that? Perhaps there is some written source of how to do it. I am using Acer S3 and I think it could be supported by coreboot and seabios.
Thank you.
Nice desktop of yours
cju wrote:iv597 wrote:Hopped off the transparent terms bandwagon. Looks so much better!
Nice one – mind sharing the wallpaper?
Thanks man.
Nice, though a little faded for my tastes.
Thanks The only reason I add so much fading is because I only want to pay attention to focused window, etc. Plus, I'm usually online during the night time so it actually appears quite a bit brighter then. During the day though it can be a bit dark.
PS: Angel-A
I know! I cried , lol. Good movie.
after switching between the great herbstluftwm and the great bspwm; my present bspwm setup on my x200. not sure if it's too much eyeparty or not enough
tint2 (after struggeling with xmobar and dzen (too many wakeups))
EDIT: after i got a headache i changed the contrast a bit. but i will try again
lower contrast
Last edited by flexo3001 (2014-02-11 19:25:38)
Fight war not wars, destroy power not people!
First time messing with arch.
Theme: NumixBLUE
Icons: numix-round
I decided to change to a slightly less distracting setup.
The other one had too much unused reality and whatnot., messing around with R lately (among a few other programming languages),
as well as doing some code cleanup / trying to salvage [or remove snippets of] old Zsh scripts.Window manager is still `herbstluftwm'.
Wow! I really like the darkish colorscheme bro! Props! Was that done mainly through dircolors and your cottonmouse color scheme?
milomouse wrote:I decided to change to a slightly less distracting setup.
The other one had too much unused reality and whatnot., messing around with R lately (among a few other programming languages),
as well as doing some code cleanup / trying to salvage [or remove snippets of] old Zsh scripts.Window manager is still `herbstluftwm'.
Wow! I really like the darkish colorscheme bro! Props! Was that done mainly through dircolors and your cottonmouse color scheme?
Thank you
It was mainly done through a small Zsh script I wrote to source and set colors from my xorg / Xresources file. The script is in my herbstluftwm directory (dzen-colors.zsh). I source the file in my dzen configs and from there I can just do ${c_01} for a dzen foreground (or ${b_01} for background) of red (like Xresources *color1 is red). I have the colors->numbers memorized otherwise I would have set ${c_red}, etc, which anyone can if they edit the script. Other than that, I manually added a few more grey colors to my dzen configs for the extra shading. There is also ${_01} for just the color code, and ${c_XX} / ${b_XX} to reset foreground or background, and ${_XX} to reset both.
The X colorscheme I have been using is "astromouse" ( found in Xresources file ) and my vim colorscheme is actually called "cottonmouse" ( .vim/colors/cottonmouse.vim )
herbstluft: … rbstluftwm
ViM: … vim/colors
There's actually another vim colorscheme called "vincent" (my name) that someone else apparently made based on cottonmouse, which is also good. It has gui support, though I've never tried since I only have console installed.
Also, the dzen-colors.zsh script works for my Xresources file but not sure if someone will need to edit if they use it -- never had anyone else try it.
Hack at it!
Archlinux + i3 + zsh = winning
Registered Linux User #565414
Blackarch Pentesting Distro
bspwm + bar
bar's colors are from milomouse's vincent colorscheme, and the layout is from 3xOXC's bar, but I wrote the panel script essentially from scratch to reduce the cpu toll. Also, it works with neither a fifo nor conky.
Last edited by Mindstormscreator (2014-02-13 03:38:22)
Moca icons
Zukitwo GTK theme
-- mod edit: read the rules and only post thumbnails [jwr] --
Last edited by tzomatz (2014-02-13 04:48:57)
WindowLab with xterm, Chromium and xclock. The title font is the Ubuntu font. No fake dirty here because I hardly ever see my desktop except at logout.
I ported WindowLab to HP-UX (mostly getting HP-UX's cruddy compiler to work) and I've used it ever since. I'm OCD when it comes to windows: I don't like them going off screen and WindowLab forces them to stay on screen. Oh and the yellow is pretty cool