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Right now, I'm trying to tweak a Cinnamon theme and I'd love to make my own. The problem is... I can't find any good documentation for what controls what in the CSS. I can limp along and figure it out but it's ENDLESS trial and error. Is there a more systematic way to go about this?
Last edited by joetemp (2014-02-07 23:15:35)
found this pretty decent looking tutorial, written by the designer of Numix theme, among others: … -1-basics/
or edit the files of existing theme in text editor and see what happens
@ooo This is EXACTLY what I wanted! Thank you so much! That solves the GTK portion. Might anyone have any info/documentation for Cinnamon.css themes?
Again, thanks so much. I'm busy tweaking Numix now so it's nice to have some more info!