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I have latest ati drivers, archck kernel(2.6.14-archck) and xorg (and latest kde, if it matters) from normal arch repos - I experience problems with system locking up when using opengl apps excluding flgl_glxgears. For example when i try play half-life in wine (via opengl), after 2-5 minutes of gameplay system losts video signal and sound is cycling, is not possible to shutdown x server or switch to terminal. Another example - i start Cube fps and after 30 secs screen freezes and sound continues playing, again is not possible to kill x or switch to terminal. I searched in logs and they are error free execpt little issue with kdm and ati complaining missing drm module functions.
When you say 'latest ati drivers' do you mean from the repositories?
You could try the installer script from the ATI site instead: … lderID=300
That could potentially make a difference.
.oO Komodo Dave Oo.
Yes, latest from the repos. Today, i have also tried official drivers but it didnt helped at all ..
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