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Hallo, this is my first post and also my first attempt to install Arch Linux on my Dell XPS 13 (L322X) laptop in UEFI mode.
I've dowloaded "archlinux-2014.02.01-dual.iso" and written to my USB pen drive with the dd way.
I boot my laptop with the usb pen drive in my LH side USB port (RH side won't recognize the system), press F12 while loading and I select USB from the UEFI boot menu list.
The bootloader menu appears and I select "Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD", the screen gets black, the usb pen drive led flashes a few times and then the system gets stuck there. Nothing happens... I can only press the power button to power off the laptop.
I've tried also with a different usb pen drive and with unetbootin instead of dd but I get the same result.
On that laptop I sucessfully booted (and installed) Ubuntu in UEFI mode in the past.
Can someone help me please?
as a side note, if I boot in legacy way from the same usb pen drive, I successfully get to command prompt
after many attempts I decided to try the previous installer iso "archlinux-2014.01.05-dual.iso". This one works also in UEFI mode (I used unetbootin to "burn" it to my usb pend drive).
So my feeling is that current iso (archlinux-2014.02.01-dual.iso) has some issues with UEFI.
I'll file a bug.
I'm experiencing the same symptoms with "archlinux-2014.04.01-dual.iso" on a ThinkPad T440p. I can also boot without any problem in "Legacy" mode, but when going with UEFI the whole thing stops with a blank screen right after selecting "Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD". As the original poster, I'm booting from an USB stick, not from a real CD. I'm an Arch noob so any kind of help / pointer would be appreciated. Thank you.
Last edited by catalin.hritcu (2014-04-27 11:20:40)
The bug report lviggiani posted seems closed now FS#39081, but without any immediate solution suggested, other than that the bug could be related to FS#33745, as srs5694 also suggested. I'll try to look into all the (horribly technical) info about that bug soon.
I've already tried all the hints in the Troubleshooting Boot Problems section here, but without any success at fixing the blank screen problem.
Last edited by catalin.hritcu (2014-04-27 12:47:17)