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In KDE 3.5, I can't seem to get the kde screensavers to work. Kcontrol lets me test all of the screensavers, and the 'tests' each work, but after I apply my settings the screensavers fail to activate themselves after the set idle period. I can lock my screen using one of KDE's Kicker Applets, and that works just fine and brings up the screensaver I previously selected in kcontrol.. but they won't turn on by themselves.
Is this a known bug, or did I mess something up?
Thanks in advance
Yes, I've been there as well... annoying, isn't it?
My solution:
su -c "pacman -R xcreensaver"
Then delete any .kssrc from /home/your_user/.kde/share/config
Why xscreensaver hoses the KDE one, I really don't know...
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