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On ubuntu they discovered a way to Unlock CDROM -> Eject with cd-rom button by running
sysctl dev.cdrom.lock=0
Somehow on arch the initial value is also 1 but even by chnaging it to 0 the cdrom is not unlocked
any ideas?
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Oh never mind actually it does work
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i thought it was locked because you have to umount the device first, and it's not a good idea to eject first.
if i try to eject a cd, and it won't come out, it reminds me that i have to umount it.
Yes but if you use pmount, doing the above command will notify the system of an eject action, the cdrom will be unmounted then ejected, if devise stated as busy, it will be remounted read only before ejecting
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I can't currently get to the Ubuntuforums site so I might be missing something but what does this do that the
command doesn't?
Ok i think i might explain it more coz some are confused,
Consider you are hmm WAtching a DVD for example, when u r done and want to remove the dvd what do you do on Windows?? don't you just click on the eject button loctated on your cd-rom drive??? on linux, specially on arch, ubuntu etc.. (on redhat AFAIK it's already solved), You have to type eject on a command line, or using Gnome disk mounter applet and click on eject or on ur desktop right clicking the cd icon and then Unmount to be able to use the eject button oitherwize ur cdrom will not get out unless u do unmount it!!
But there's an easy way to do it, by doing
sudo sysctl dev.cdrom.lock=0
sudo sh -c 'echo "dev.cdrom.lock=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
to make it permanent..
Will actually make te button work! u dont need to unmount it, u don't need to do anything, just click on the eject button and ur cd is out
hope that helps now
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Ooooh - very nice! Thank you.
It works. Thanks
For gnome: install gnome-volume-manager, it will umount and eject your CD whenever possible instead of locking the drive until you umount by hand.
with the change in sysctl.conf i had some big errors on shutdown, when you just open the cdrom drive while showing the content of the cd in thunar. using the recommended eject command, the disk is unmounted and the folder is closed before opening the drive.
i don't recommend the change in sysctl.conf
it would be nice if there is a cleaner method than this and one without installing half a lot of gnome
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