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#1 2006-01-17 16:05:18

From: Charles University, Prague, Cz
Registered: 2006-01-14
Posts: 15

softvare emulation of 3D graphic acceleration

Hi, I´ve just migrated from suse to the arch and this distro is AVESOME! simple & fast - i really like it.
i managed to get everything i vanted working using wiki and this forum, but i didn´t find solutins for two issues

fistly: is there any kind of softvare emulation of 3d video support? I have acer tm230 laptop, i810 video card with shared memory (no 3d). in suse, there was some beta stuff providing this, but i dont really know anything about that (it was just a checkbox in YaST:).

secondly: i have installed pure-ftpd. i have it in daemon section in rc.conf and it´s working (wisible from outside) althought my /etc/hosts.allow is


and my /etc/hosts.deny is


isn´t it weird?

well, i´ve got yet another question. due to some silly reasons, my lan uses 802.1x authentification. so, during instalation of arch, i installed from cd just base + wpa_supplicant, hoping, i´d install rest from ftp. and then i found, that wpa_supplicant included in  instalation cd is compiled without driver ´wired´, that i need to use. so i´d like to suggest, to include wpa compiled with all driwers posible. some users might find it usefull during ftp installation, but i don´t know, where should i sussest it.

thanx for help


#2 2006-01-17 18:49:22

Registered: 2005-02-09
Posts: 64

Re: softvare emulation of 3D graphic acceleration

Mesa provides software OpenGL, if this is what you want. You should get it with Xorg.


#3 2006-01-17 19:25:26

From: Charles University, Prague, Cz
Registered: 2006-01-14
Posts: 15

Re: softvare emulation of 3D graphic acceleration

oh i see :shock: , sorry, stupid question. it`s working fine. 
thanks for the help.


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