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I'm struggling to find any window decorations that will fit nicely on my netbook screen. I'm running Xfce on a 1024x600 screen.
Here's a screenshot of my setup so far, as you can see the window decorations are quite large, I'm looking for a minimalist and small set of window decorations, I'm open to any colours at the moment.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Moderator edit [ewaller] Changed links to over size image to a url.
Last edited by ewaller (2014-04-19 15:34:25)
I guess you already checked, there are few that are quite minimal. You could also try tweaking the xfwm themerc for any theme to make it more compact.
If you're feeling adventurous, you could switch to some tiling wm, and get rid of window decorations altogether. There are floating window managers with smaller decorations as well, for example openbox.
Also, most of GNOME applications are client side decorated and don't draw window borders at all, so switching to those could save you some screen estate too.
Sorry I didn't really answer your question, but I wanted to point out a few alternatives that may help your situation.
Btw, you shouldn't post full size images, but a thumbnail with link instead, or you'll make mods angry
Btw, you shouldn't post full size images, but a thumbnail with link instead, or you'll make mods angry
I don't know about angry. But it will draw our attention
He is right, please use thumbnails. They can be set up like this:
[ url=link_to_full_size.jpg][ img]link_to_small_moderatator_approved.jpg[ /img][ /url]
Without the extra spaces inserted here to break the tags. This will show the thumbnail and let readers click through to the full size image.
Manypopes , should you wish to do that, feel free to edit your first post. Thanks
Last edited by ewaller (2014-04-19 15:35:45)
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A few ones I like:
- Mirev2, which is actually a set of gtk themes that comes with window decorations:
- ...and goes well with these decorations in my opinion:
- to fit with lighter themes, like the one in your screenshot: Axis … tent=95158
Hope that helps and/or inspires you