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Just as the title says I'm unable to click the "print-able version" link in the side bar of either guide and save either one as a PDF document. I tried doing so to both guides but the resulting PDF is un-readable according to Evince and Sumatra. I'm on Windows 7 atm, but I can't see that making much of a difference. Could some kind soul please try saving a PDF and reading it with Evince or some other PDF reader?
Thank you,
Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-05-23 23:47:28)
Works fine for me (reading it in apvlv).
See also FS#30825.
How do you "export" the pdf?
Works here; "print to file" from Firefox, pdf opened with mupdf.
Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2014-05-23 20:55:08)
How exactly are you printing the page? You shouldn't need to click on the printable version link in order for the browser to use the proper print style sheets when printing the page. By reading your post it sounds like you're right-clicking the link and choosing to save the target to a file, giving it a pdf extension Just open the normal page, then go to the print tool of your browser and select the virtual pdf printer: it will use the correct style sheets without having to click on any links (tested on Firefox, Chromium, Midori and Opera).
Thank you everyone!
Kynikos: I was trying the "save as..." buttons and it doesn't seem to do what I want. However, in Windows 7 at least, I can't get a virtual PDF printer for some weird reason. I shall try this in linux later on.
Oh and wow, I feel stupid. Thanks for the help, and seeing as the wiki works OK I'll mark this solved.
However, in Windows 7 at least, I can't get a virtual PDF printer for some weird reason.
Well, it's Windows, if something doesn't work it's just by design, not "weird" XD Just kidding, you can install some virtual pdf printers in Windows separately, possibly bundled with some very useful search bar for your browser of choice (IE)