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I have an OUYA controller that I have plug to steam before, but for some reason it is not working in my new Arch installation. I've changed my /dev/input/event* permissions and also installed lib32 SDL2 and I run out of ideas. What are your thoughts?
EDIT: The OUYA controller works through bluetooth, and other applications seem to work perfectly (mupen64 and wine so far).
Last edited by Vipermaseg (2014-07-01 19:19:12)
I ended up emulating an Xbox controller with xboxdrv. I needed to configure a deadzone for the left trigger, so it came in handy that xboxdrv lets you do a lot of fine tunning. This is my map file:
evdev = /dev/input/event18
evdev-debug = false
mimic-xpad = true
silent = true
# EOF #
/dev/input/event18 is the OUYA controller.
Also, these are my udev rules:
SUBSYSTEMS=="input", ATTRS{name}=="OUYA Game Controller", KERNEL=="js*", MODE="600"
SUBSYSTEMS=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Microsoft X-Box 360 pad", ACTION=="add", GROUP="games", MODE="660"
The first rule makes sure that the OUYA controller is not readeble by the user while the second one makes sure that the Xbox emulation is. This is to prevent games from recieving doubled input. Also notice that these rules only affect the OUYA controller and the emulated Xbox controller so they don't modify the permissions of the keyboard, etc.
This is not OUYA-specific, so it is potentially useful to anyone who uses xboxdrv.
EDIT: Here is the macro file to make the single tap of the center button work properly:
send BTN_START 1
wait 50
send BTN_START 0
Last edited by Vipermaseg (2014-07-01 21:07:04)
This is great! The only thing is, I'm getting some weirdness from the right trigger. It seems to function as a "look down" button, as well as the right trigger? I had the same issue in Windows with the Ouya controller, unfortunately. Did you happen to come across this issue?
Nope. That sounds weird. I recommend you run some kind of tool that lets you see the inputs of your controller, like evtest, and that you adjust the configuración propperly. You might need to configure a deadzone in the right joystick. Also, take the batteries out of the controller and put them back in again, that resets a kind "self-calibration" that the Ouya controller has.
I ended up emulating an Xbox controller with xboxdrv. I needed to configure a deadzone for the left trigger, so it came in handy that xboxdrv lets you do a lot of fine tunning. This is my map file:
[xboxdrv] evdev = /dev/input/event18 evdev-debug = false mimic-xpad = true silent = true [evdev-absmap] ABS_X=X1 ABS_Y=Y1 ABS_RX=X2 ABS_RY=Y2 ABS_Z=LT ABS_RZ=RT [evdev-keymap] BTN_TL=TL BTN_TR=TR BTN_A=A BTN_B=X BTN_X=B BTN_C=Y BTN_Y=LB BTN_Z=RB BTN_START=dr BTN_SELECT=dl BTN_TL2=du BTN_TR2=dd BTN_LEFT=back BTN_THUMBR=start KEY_#319=guide [axismap] -Y1=Y1 LT^deadzone:65 [ui-buttonmap] start=macro:start.macro # EOF #
/dev/input/event18 is the OUYA controller.
Also, these are my udev rules:
SUBSYSTEMS=="input", ATTRS{name}=="OUYA Game Controller", KERNEL=="js*", MODE="600" SUBSYSTEMS=="input", ATTRS{name}=="Microsoft X-Box 360 pad", ACTION=="add", GROUP="games", MODE="660"
The first rule makes sure that the OUYA controller is not readeble by the user while the second one makes sure that the Xbox emulation is. This is to prevent games from recieving doubled input. Also notice that these rules only affect the OUYA controller and the emulated Xbox controller so they don't modify the permissions of the keyboard, etc.
This is not OUYA-specific, so it is potentially useful to anyone who uses xboxdrv.
EDIT: Here is the macro file to make the single tap of the center button work properly:
send BTN_START 1 wait 50 send BTN_START 0
Could you please do a step-by-step guide for configure the OUYA Controller? I'm newbie in system configurations and I have no idea where to put the code you post.
Hello TADebastiani,
The post you are replying to here is solved AND 2 years old. Posting like this (necrobumping) is frowned upon here. Please make a new post, and I will try and help you there.
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Following up on that JohnBobSmith. It has been about a year and a half since the OP has visited the forums, so I think this thread is done. Please do open a new thread that you will own. If you like, go ahead and link back to this one if you think it is relevant.
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