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When I install Arch from 0.7.1 CD I get the following errors after reboot:
RAMDISK: incomplete write (-28 != 17) 16777216
crc error
RAMDISK: wrong compression format (err=2)
crc error
and then
VFS: cannot open root device "hda2" or unknown-block(0,0)
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
I've tried both grub and lilo, initrd26 and initrd26-full - the effect is almost the same, with only error messages slightly different.
I've tried to install from FTP and everything was OK, but after changing initrd and modifying lilo (added second label to boot initrd26-full) - the same story.
I've spent few hours trying to fix this but no result. I'm angry and tired...
Any ideas?
to live is to die
first relax post your lilo/grub config & we will start from there....
Mr Green
It is not easy to do, because my server is 1km from me. And I don't have internet access there.
I don't remember my grub config but my lilo config is like this:
There is nothing special in config. I've successfully installed Arch on 3 machines here (I work in two companies) and this is the first time I get such strange errors.
to live is to die
I think there is somthing with initrd images. It seems that they are corrupted or kernel could not read them correctly.
Maybe this is hardware related problem? But there was Debian 3.1 before and everything was OK.
And why FTP install was successfull but after lilo and initrd changes system becomes unbootable again? I've played with initrd and lilo on my other Arch machines alot, and never had such strange errors.
to live is to die
I'll try to grab my configs and post them later. Right now server should be finishing downloading packages from FTP (I am doing FTP install for the second time). I'll be there in 30 minutes and hope that system will be bootable.
Now I'm scared to do any kernel upgrade on this machine because I don't know if there will be the same problem after initrd upgrade.
to live is to die
Finally I found the source of problems - it is hardware!
I set BIOS settings to defaults and machine booted successfully.
I started digging more and found that it is a memory problem
Note the 16777216 in the dollowing error lines:
RAMDISK: incomplete write (-28 != 17) 16777216
crc error
the first number ( -28 ) is permanently displayed but the second number is different every time (17, 8, ...).
I have Sempron 2200+ (1800MHz) and 2x512MB DDR in Dual Channel mode on nForce 3.
When I set BIOS settings to defaults: FSB - 100MHz, CPU - 900MHz.
When setting FSB to 200MHz (CPU - 1800MHz) - I get CRC error and kernel panic.
I suppose the problem is in Dual Channel mode or DDR is bad.
Just wonder how Debian 3.1 (with 2.4 kernel) worked? Is there some problem in initrd loading code in 2.6.15 kernel?
to live is to die
What does cat /proc/cpuinfo give you ?
Are you trying to overclock system at all
Anyway glad you have got it working now (maybe not Arch problem after all!)
Mr Green
I'm not trying to overclock my system. 200/1800 MHz is normal mode for Sempron 2200+.
I'll see /proc/cpuinfo tomorrow.
I suspect that the problem is in memory. Maybe it is because of Dual Channel mode?
First, I'll test all memory tomorrow. Then I'll try to replace memory with Goodram 2x512 set with guaranteed 100% working Dual Channel mode.
to live is to die
I really found the problem.
I set FSB to 166MHz and memory timings to "By SPD" instead of "Auto" and it works.
When FSB is 200MHz BIOS says that CPU is Sempron 1800MHz,
when FSB is 166MHz BIOS says that CPU is Sempron 2200+ (CPU clock is on 1200MHz).
It seems that my CPU was a bit overclocked. But Debian 3.1 and Arch 0.7.1 CD worked! And first time when I was installing Arch from FTP it worked fine too (until lilo/initrd changes). Strange...
to live is to die