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Did anyone succeed to listen to the radio using 1.1.4 version of the player from site? When I run player file I get "Segmenation fault"
Any idea how to fix it?
Which version did you download? I got the static version working fine, it has all the deps built in so it should run fine without any setup at all.
works fine for me, I think you need qt installed for it to work.
here is how I installed it:
1.) extract to /opt/
2.) put this into a text file named /usr/bin/lastfm-player (you need to be root!)
cd /opt/
3.) Make the file executable
chmod +x /usr/bin/lastfm-player
4.)type in lastfm-player in console and it should run it (alt+f2 in kde).
Note: configuration file is located in /home/$USER/.config/
If I knew how to make packages with pacman I'd probably make one.
There is already a package in AUR. It compiles the source though, I'd just as happily use the prebuilt version.