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After upgrading to xorg 7.0, I have been getting alot of .serverauth.XXXX files in my home directory, where XXXX is some 4 figure number.
What exactly are these files? I have about 7 or 8. Can they be deleted?
Those are most likely the result of the startx command. As long as X isn't running it is probably safe to delete them.
Those are most likely the result of the startx command. As long as X isn't running it is probably safe to delete them.
I deleted them when X was running with no problems.
IIRC, the files should be deleted, but remain when you improperly close X.
it might be possible to clear the unused ones in .xinitrc or something.
Thanks, normally I exit with CTRL+BACKSPACE -- is this considered abnormal?
Yes, you are killing the X server this way, use logout menu...
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I don't have any, and don't get any when I force X to exit via ctrl-alt-backspace. :?
Then again, I use 'xinit' to start X. AFAICT, startx just starts up TWM and a couple of consoles if you have nothing specified in .xinitrc.
Interestingly enough, I still get these files on my laptop. But I did a fresh install on my desktop a few days ago and don't have those files created.
I have these files too. They stay whether I use the logout function (KDE OR Gnome) or exit function (Enlightenment).
I use fluxbox. The files stay regardless of my exit method as well.
I've been getting a build up of them too, and it doesn't matter if I'm running Fvwm, Xfce4, or KDE, they still continue to accumulate. It seems to be only when I shutdown, or reboot. Simply logging out of X then right back into it doesn't create the extra .serverauth file. This never happened with the previous xorg.
Is it a bug? If so, I'll be happy to file the bug report...
Dunno if it's a bug.. I usually do 'sudo poweroff' from within ratpoison, and there are a bajillion .serverauthXXXX files in my $HOME .
.oO Komodo Dave Oo.
I have those too.
I always boot in init3 and start xgl from there.
I have one, which I assume is for this session. I recently did a clean install though, so perhaps it is a stale config file causing the problem.
not sure it works for me/arch. (didn't halt/reboot yet)
sudo vi +131 /usr/bin/startx
For Ubuntu users who wish to go back to the old one-file XAUTHORITY setup, there's a very simple fix: edit /usr/bin/startx (as root, of course) and change the line:
to read instead
PS: it works for me.
I removed my sig, cause i select the flag, the flag often the target of enemy.
SAR brain-tumor