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Lo there,
just discovered conky ( thanks to the screenshots thread )
the .conkyrc file i have has a nifty TCP - Mon thing that monitors connections to ports, etc...
what i would really like is to have it monitor somewhat like the "active connections " part of firestarter does. Its a little more specific about what is comming in or out of my arch firewall and router to the lan. (shows what box is connected to what ip or service on the outside in kinda real time )
Does anyone know where firestarter is reading that info from ? Or if there is a way firestarter can out put that info to a log file that i could tail or something. That would just be the coolest .
thanks, if any of you have an idea.
watch netstat -atu
cool, i will try it out when i get home.
thanks a lot
well, it doesnt work for some reason.
this works
exec cat /proc/cpuinfo
but this doesn't
exec watch netstat -atu
conky just hangs there, no error message, nothing.
however, this works from a terminal just fine.
exec watch netstat -atu
so perhaps its the way conky wants to handle it ?
dunno. Hey, if this doesnt work, is there another way to get netstat -atr to the root window ?
that would still be cool.
I guess conky hangs there because watch will not exit... I bet "exec netstat ..." will do fine.
yup, right you are. Looking good. thanks much
Yeah, 'watch' does not work inside conky.
In case you want to run something similar from a terminal and "embed" it in the desktop, you could try something like:
urxvt -T NoFrames -ip -e watch netstat -atu
and tell the window manager of your choice to not decorate windows titled NoFrames (and preferably put them to a low layer, never give them focus etc). Fvwm example:
Style "NoFrames" NoTitle, BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0, NeverFocus, CirculateSkip, WindowListSkip, StaysOnBottom
that i gotta try. i use fluxbox, so it should be just as simple as fwwm. It has that ToggleDecor command that i use whenever i am tinkering in an aterm,
i have noticed something with the netstat though, it only shows connections to my computer, not connections going through it.
i have two computers that i share the internet with. I would like to watch what is connecting thru where. Netstat just shows what is on my own ports.
anything out there that i could use for this ?
i dont know why i dig this so much. I just think its cool. Plus, it lets me know if my daughter is chatting on gaim when she is supposed to be doing her homework .