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I know how to get a screenshot. I need to demo some GUI programs I've written and I want to capture a video of the mouse and widgets interacting.... is there an easy way to do this? I've seen such videos, but have no clue how they're captured.
A quick Googling returned a Wikipedia article that has a decent list of software, both cross platform and Linux specific applications. Haven't used any myself though, so can't help ya pick
Let me know what you try might be something I'd like to do the near future.
xvidcap dumps out to mpg, and there is vnc2swf, which takes a flash vid of a VNC session.
vnc2swf also has a python script which does .mpg captures i believe. check out the vnc2swf site... its there somewhere
byzanz records to animated gif
[xg]vidcap looks great, except for the segmentation fault as soon as you try to record a mpeg. :-/ Ideas?
Curious how nothing works for me lately. *sigh*
works if I dump em to individual png files and then compile with memcoder. Good enough for now.
There is also Istanbul available in AUR.
Istanbul is a desktop session recorder for the Free Desktop. It records your session into an Ogg Theora video file. To start the recording, you click on its icon in the notification area. To stop you click its icon again. It works on Gnome, KDE, XFCE and others.