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#1 2014-08-24 19:02:10

Registered: 2014-08-24
Posts: 1

How do I write and run c++ programs via terminal?

First off, if this is the wrong place to post, my apologies. I'm running arch off a raspberry pi, and sshing into it on my computer (a mac, if it makes a difference), and I was wondering how I could run c++ programs on it. I don't want to install a desktop environment, because I think using terminal is a cool challenge. I'm assuming I can just use nano or some other text editor to write them, but how do I get them to run, as well as get all the libraries I would need? I am thinking just things that run in terminal, no programs with a gui. Any suggestions?


#2 2014-08-24 19:09:31

Registered: 2013-07-09
Posts: 586

Re: How do I write and run c++ programs via terminal?

Hi, I should say this kind of post is not usually encouraged here; people usually expect you to do some research first and tell them what have you tried, before posting.
However, since you seem not to have any directions, I think it's fair to give you some.

I would advise you to search for those keywords / programs (see also our Wiki):

- SSH (I think you have already done that)
- a C++ compiler. Usually g++ (present in the gcc package) or clang. I would recommend g++.
- a terminal text editor. Emacs or vim are usually choices that advanced users prefer; however, if you don't know them (yet), you should probably use something easier for novices, such as nano. If you opt for emacs, install the emacs-nox package.

That's all you need, really. You might want a program such as make or cmake later, to aid you with your build management. There are several tutorials out there teaching how to do that. Search for 'hello world' ones.


#3 2014-08-24 19:11:51

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,346

Re: How do I write and run c++ programs via terminal?

First, I am going to suggest you take Arch Arm questions to their forums.    They are the experts.

But, what you ask is easy -- if the tools are installed on your ras-pi.  Here is some code I did not write that generates data that can be piped to gnuplot to animate a Lorenz  attractor. 

ewaller$@$odin ~/devel/C/lorenz [130]1026 %cat lorenz.cpp
#include <iostream>

#define tab "\t"

using namespace std;

void lorenz(double *x,double *dxdt)

int main(int argc,char **argv)
  int len=300;
  double x[len*3],dxdt[3],dt=0.01;

  int cur=0,next=1;
  for(int i=1;i<len*10;i++)
      for(int j=0;j<3;j++) x[3*next+j]=x[3*cur+j]+dt*dxdt[j];
      if(++cur == len) cur=0;
      if(++next == len) next=0;

  for(double t=0.0;t<100000000.0;t+=dt)
      cout<<"sp [-30:30][-30:30][0:50] '-' w l"<<endl;
      for(int i=cur+1;i<len;i++)
      for(int i=0;i<cur+1;i++)

      for(int j=0;j<3;j++) x[3*next+j]=x[3*cur+j]+dt*dxdt[j];
      if(++cur == len) cur=0;
      if(++next == len) next=0;

  return 0;
ewaller$@$odin ~/devel/C/lorenz 1027 %g++ lorenz.cpp
ewaller$@$odin ~/devel/C/lorenz 1028 %./a.out|head  
sp [-30:30][-30:30][0:50] '-' w l
	-9.3252	-8.45882	29.0952
	-9.23857	-8.27211	29.1081
	-9.14192	-8.08701	29.0961
	-9.03643	-7.90593	29.0595
	-8.92338	-7.73113	28.999
	-8.80415	-7.56467	28.9156
	-8.68021	-7.40841	28.8105
	-8.55303	-7.26397	28.6853
	-8.42412	-7.13271	28.5417
ewaller$@$odin ~/devel/C/lorenz 1029 %

You may want to set up a cross compiler on your x86_64 Arch system for ARM.  That we can help you with.... smile

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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