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#1 2014-08-28 18:40:32

Registered: 2009-03-28
Posts: 20

Slow boot after installing SSD drive + Grub problem + Kernel panicks


So i just got a Samsung 840 EVO, and was ready to see my system fly, so i installed Arch on it, the instalation was kinda weird, since im in the middle of some major developing for a startup i couldnt risk to lose time configuring my all system so what i did was this:

Install Arch on the SSD (/root on sdb1) while keeping my  other Arch install (/root on sda5) and sharing the /home and /swap (on sda6 and sda7) between both systems, i installed grub on sdb also because i didnt knew what to do hmm

So now when i boot the laptop i get the grub from sda wich only has Old Arch and windows, if i press f9 at boot and boot from the ssd i go to sdb grub that has Old Arch, New Arch and Windows, since the SSD was instaled via a caddy it doesnt get recognized in the BIOS, but strangely i get 2 Universal Hard Drives (hdd and sdd) when pressing f9

So first question is, should i reeinstall grub on sda or is there a way to put the SDD as primary?

The other problem is that systemd-analyze is giving me worst times than with the hdd, and i dont see a huge improvement with the SSD as i should. Is it because i have /home /swap on the hdd? I have read and did as told.

Startup finished in 1.820s (kernel) + 1min 30.406s (userspace) = 1min 32.226s

systemd-analyze output (only top lines)

          1min 1.093s ntpdate.service
          4.320s systemd-modules-load.service
          1.159s mysqld.service
           986ms systemd-rfkill@rfkill2.service
           967ms systemd-rfkill@rfkill1.service
           609ms systemd-fsck@dev-sda6.service
           511ms netctl-auto@wlp13s0.service
           359ms lvm2-monitor.service

systemd-analyze critical-chain @1min 30.156s
└─ @1min 30.154s                                                                                     <------------- a lot of time
  └─ntpd.service @1min 7.575s +9ms                                                                     
    └─ @6.473s
      └─netctl-auto@wlp13s0.service @5.962s +511ms                                                         <------------- a lot of time
        └─ @5.948s
          └─ @5.948s
            └─systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer @5.948s
              └─ @5.942s
                └─systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video1.service @8.148s +59ms                 <------------- a lot of time
                  └─system-systemd\x2dbacklight.slice @5.646s
                    └─system.slice @155ms
                      └─-.slice @154ms

laptop specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz
512 GB HDD
250 GB 840 EVO

Last edited by archoriano (2014-08-29 01:19:22)


#2 2014-08-29 01:18:03

Registered: 2009-03-28
Posts: 20

Re: Slow boot after installing SSD drive + Grub problem + Kernel panicks

Trying to fix it i broke all of it

Now im having kernel panics, I reeinstaled grub on sda so i had an entry for sdb Arch and i disabled systemctl services 1 by 1 trying to improve boot time and because boot was hanging on "A start job is running for sys-subsystem-net-devices", i disables wpa-suplicant, netctl and some others, almoust everyone network related, to have just wicd

I think the problem is related to this plus the fact that i have 2 grub instaled in 2 diferent disks and i think i dont have lvm

What should i do? I cant think no more, i have spent 12 streight hours trying to fix this. The arch on sda boots fine, i dont have a separate boot partition nor space on sda to make it i also cant set the SSD to be primary device because the BIOS doesnt recognize it.

Please help


#3 2014-09-01 13:03:57

Registered: 2007-09-23
Posts: 1,461

Re: Slow boot after installing SSD drive + Grub problem + Kernel panicks

You did not share what the kernel panic says, but I guess it has to do with your root file systems not mounted correctly. If it happens like 75% of the time, sounds like you are using /dev/sdax and it gets enumarated differently?  Use UUID's instead.

Your "slow boot" is a seperate problem, see the thread you linked too for how to fix that.

Its a fresh install but i alredy have DE and programs, i used Helmuth script to install all the stuff, just so i didnt forget to install stuff.

No idea what this means, but if it is some third party script downloaded off the internet - use them only if you understand exactly what it does, else the chances are you will run into some problems with no idea how you got there.  For simply keeping a list of packages to install, put them in a text file and pipe them into pacman (see also here.


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