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After following the the systemd/User - Basic setup wiki article I have successfully setup user services for systemd. I've also setup a systemd user "unit" to run lsyncd. The user unit appears to start successfully based on the unit status shown below. Only problem is lsyncd isn't running and I'm not seeing any relevant errors or info with journalctl. If I run the script defined in ExecStart on the command line lsyncd starts as expected. Any ideas or pointers?
OUTPUT from "systemctl --user lsyncd.service":
lsyncd.service - lsyncd
Loaded: loaded (/home/maseone/.config/systemd/user/lsyncd.service; enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2014-08-28 18:14:50 PDT; 21min ago
Process: 630 ExecStart=/home/maseone/.lsyncd/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 630 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Aug 28 18:14:50 archie230x systemd[610]: Starting lsyncd...
Aug 28 18:14:50 archie230x systemd[610]: Started lsyncd.
UNIT for lsyncd:
SCRIPT defined in ExecStart:
#! /bin/sh
/bin/lsyncd -log all /home/maseone/.lsyncd/lsyncd.lua
Last edited by maseone (2014-08-29 04:07:58)
Try changing the service type to forking instead of simple. Or look for an lsycd option that keeps it running in the foreground.
Thanks for the pointer, it worked! After reading in detail the different types available "forking" does seem the most appropriate type for a daemon written as lsyncd. I believe using an lsyncd option named "detach" would have worked with the "simple" type but forking seemd more appropriate in my case.
Also as an update to my original post I have completely removed the use of the shell script and am now calling lsyncd directly in my defined systemd unit. Also using the %h variable for the home directory now.
REVISED unit file:
ExecStart=/bin/lsyncd -log scarce %h/.lsyncd/lsyncd.lua