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i am using 64K isdn line.I've installed wvdial,set up connection.Wvdial connect,but when I entered>
#pacman -Sy
I've got this>
"gethostbyname: Resource temporarily unavailable"
"error: cannot connect to"
Also when I "ping" google for example,I get that there is no host...
Does anyone know the solution for the problem?
P.S.I've found similar problems on forum,but there is no concrete solution... :oops:
Can you ping (Google's IP address)? If so, you need to set up /etc/resolv.conf. If not, does ifconfig show ppp0? Do your logs show a connection being made?
I've set up resolv.conf,it ping Google's IP,but it doesn't work with ifconfig shows that there is ppp0 connection...
:?: :?: :?:
That means your resolv.conf is not set up correctly. The minimum requirement is one line like this:
nameserver <IP address>
but typically you would have two lines, and you can have as many as you want. Obviously, you need to be able to ping or traceroute the addresses entered.
Ok,thanx,connection works fine now..I copied Debian resolv.conf where nameserver is set like this>
,so that's where the problem was... :oops:
Now,I would like to know how can I connect using wvdial as a normal user?
When I try to connect I get back that /dev/ttyS0 is busy...But with root account there is no problem?
Also,I have problems with cyrillic fonts,because they are awful in SeaMonkey,is there any package that can fix that?
not just cyrillic fonts,all fonts look awful!
They are too italic or too small...
I don't use wvdial, so I can't help you there.
Re fonts, there are numerous threads on the subject - have you done a search?
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