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#1 2014-09-10 22:51:39

Registered: 2013-01-24
Posts: 1

Screen flicker and delay in texmaker (possible problem w\ qt5-webkit)

Long time reader, first time poster. Never needed to post a problem before because of the amazing amount of assistance already offered here.

I have a minor problem (annoying but could live with it), and so far, I can't find anything on it. Moreover, I really don't know what error logs to consult about it or how to go about finding the source of the problem. So, I apologize in advance for the lack of information on the problem, but part of my question is what to look for.

Had a machine that was a bit behind on updates (about a year), went through all the news posts, updated as required, everything went fine, and everything is still working. There are two applications, though, that seem a bit buggy: texmaker and calibre. Whenever I open either up, it takes quite a bit longer than it did prior to the update, and my screen starts to flicker a fair bit. Eventually, both open up and run just fine, but the delay and screen flickering troubles me. I don't use calibre often, but I use texmaker all the time. So, I would like to see if there is anything I can do to sort this out.

I checked the general logs from journalctl and dmesg to see if there were any errors, and there wasn't anything. I also checked the xorg log to see if there were any errors there, and again, nothing. The only dependency the two programs have in common is qt5-webkit, and that was installed with the last update.

Could anyone recommend a way to figure out if that is the source of the problem or find more information about why it is happening?

Thanks in advance, and if I have violated any of the norms of posting, feel free to reprimand me firmly but gently; it is my first time after all.


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