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#1 2014-09-17 22:38:51

Registered: 2014-09-08
Posts: 50

Adaptec 7892A U160 adapter confusion

In another thread, I found that I couldn't get any Adaptec 1210sa SATA adapters to work with arch linux, kernel 3.16.1-1-ARCH  and now, I'm using a totally different technology to try to establish some local storage, and this one doesn't seem to work either!

BIOS-level booting shows the scsi adapter starting and finding the attached hard drive (34GB Hitachi)  I also took the extra step of using the controller's bios to wipe the drive to make sure they could communicate and the drive still worked.

lspci shows:

02:0b.0 SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7892A U160/m (rev 02)

but /dev/ doesn't show anything I'd recognize as a scsi drive.  the only conventional drive I see in there is sr0 and that's obviously my cdrom drive. (from which I booted the arch live cd)

I believe I'm looking for sda and/or sda1 + buddies if there are additional partitions, but I see nothing of the kind.  Is there some extra step in arch when dealing with scsi drives?



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