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#1 2014-09-25 00:56:51

Registered: 2011-02-13
Posts: 119

[SOLVED] xss-lock does not die on logout

I am trying to find a workaround for the problem I mentioned here
So far I have installed i3lock from the standard repository and xss-lock from the AUR. I disabled screen locking and screen blanking in Gnome. I added the following desktop files to both users ~/.config/autostart

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xss-lock -- 'xautolock -locknow'
Comment[en_US]=AutoLock the screen before suspend
Comment=AutoLock the screen before suspend
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xautolock -time 3 -locker 'i3lock -d -c 000000'
Comment[en_US]=AutoLock the screen
Comment=AutoLock the screen

I also added a custom keyboard shortcut:
xautolock -locknow
with the accelerator set to Super+L

So far, it seems like this will work fine. It seems to be working better than GDM locking. I have seen one problem thus far... If I log out of Gnome, xss-lock continues to run. If I log in again, I get a new xss-lock process. The original process continues to run and has one core at 100% load. If I log out again and log in again, I get yet another xss-lock process. This also runs at 100% load. This same phenomenon happens if I start the xss-lock from a terminal. xss-lock does not die on logout...

Why does xss-lock not die on logout?

Should I be using a systemd service file instead of xss-lock? I did try the service file, but it seems to work inconsistently because the DISPLAY variable continues to change.

Any suggestions?

Last edited by bnb2235 (2014-09-28 12:17:32)


#2 2014-09-25 01:41:05

From: US
Registered: 2014-07-21
Posts: 77

Re: [SOLVED] xss-lock does not die on logout

Hi bnb2235,

I've seen the same behavior from xss-lock.  This is what I've done to set things up with i3 on my laptop:

1) I don't use systemd and/or an autostart file for xss-lock

2) I start xss-lock with the following line near the end of my i3 config file:

exec --no-startup-id xss-lock -- i3lock -b -i /home/username/.config/i3/metal_grid_w_arch.png &

3) My i3 nagbar looks like so in the i3 config file:

 # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec --no-startup-id "/usr/bin/paplay /usr/share/sounds/Feather/beep.wav && i3-nagbar -f pango:Arimo -t warning -m 'WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?:' -b 'Shutdown?' 'systemctl poweroff' -b 'Reboot?' 'systemctl reboot' -b 'Exit i3?' 'killall xss-lock && killall nm-applet && i3-msg exit'"

So I explicitly kill xss-lock and nm-applet priot to i3 being exited. This has kept xss-lock from exhibiting the behavior you describe (as well as prevents coredumps from nm-applet when i3 exits).

Last edited by halocaridina (2014-09-25 01:43:52)

4X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8870 @ 2.40GHz; 256GiB; 11TB EXT4; SL6.8
2X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 @ 2.70GHz; 256GiB; 3.4TB EXT4; SL6.8
Thinkpad X250; Broadwell-ULT Core i5; 8GiB, 525GB Crucial_CT525MX3; Arch
Thinkpad T440S; Haswell-ULT Core i7; 12GiB, 512GB SanDisk X210; Arch


#3 2014-09-25 04:43:00

From: Poland
Registered: 2010-02-08
Posts: 117

Re: [SOLVED] xss-lock does not die on logout

It has been fixed in git about 6 months ago, try xss-lock-git from AUR.


#4 2014-09-25 15:30:14

From: US
Registered: 2014-07-21
Posts: 77

Re: [SOLVED] xss-lock does not die on logout


Thanks for the suggestion of xss-lock-git. If I remember correctly, the bug was identified, but not fixed, at the time I installed xss-lock. Hence my workaround.

Since both package are available only from AUR, best to install xss-lock-git (which I just did after uninstalling xss-lock, and the git version behaves as expected upon exit).

4X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8870 @ 2.40GHz; 256GiB; 11TB EXT4; SL6.8
2X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 @ 2.70GHz; 256GiB; 3.4TB EXT4; SL6.8
Thinkpad X250; Broadwell-ULT Core i5; 8GiB, 525GB Crucial_CT525MX3; Arch
Thinkpad T440S; Haswell-ULT Core i7; 12GiB, 512GB SanDisk X210; Arch


#5 2014-09-25 23:46:39

Registered: 2011-02-13
Posts: 119

Re: [SOLVED] xss-lock does not die on logout

Thanks to both of you...
xss-lock-git does seem to fix the problem. I will mark this as solved.

I am curious why I did not find this issue when I googled the symptoms. Even now, I only find this thread. I guess I don't know the right keywords...?


#6 2014-09-26 03:01:50

From: US
Registered: 2014-07-21
Posts: 77

Re: [SOLVED] xss-lock does not die on logout

Hi bnb2235,

Glad it worked out in the end.  Regarding your Google searches on the problem:

I don't think xss-lock is that well known and/or utilized, thus the low return on searches. I finally discovered it after following many forum threads on screen-locking after a certain time interval. Given that many Linux distros (i.e., [U,K,X]buntu, Fedora, etc) come with a full DE out-of-the-box that includes this functionality as part of a screensaver or power management results in a smaller user base in general.

Cheers and have fun.

4X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8870 @ 2.40GHz; 256GiB; 11TB EXT4; SL6.8
2X Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 @ 2.70GHz; 256GiB; 3.4TB EXT4; SL6.8
Thinkpad X250; Broadwell-ULT Core i5; 8GiB, 525GB Crucial_CT525MX3; Arch
Thinkpad T440S; Haswell-ULT Core i7; 12GiB, 512GB SanDisk X210; Arch


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