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Pages: 1
Im trying to install Arch with VirtualBox. Host machine is Win7 (but I think it doesn't matter).
During loading of 'base' group using pacstrap to /mnt I got message "failed retrievin file Unable to get acces to cracklib-2.9.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz" for each mirror from the mirrorlist (I left it unchanged).
What is the problem.
I also tried to instal cracklib to current rootfs:
pacman -Syy; pacman -S cracklib
But I got the same error message.
Please help
I am trying to instal usin g latest release of CD image: Current Release: 2014.10.01
I'm very sorry. I'm so stupid!
There is filter which blocks request to URLs by pattern "crack" in my network.
Problem is solved.
Last edited by vanuyta (2014-10-13 12:22:39)
Maybe you can provide some more information, e.g. dvd image or netinstall, version of your installation medium, etc ?
Pages: 1