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#1 2014-10-17 17:19:28

Registered: 2014-10-17
Posts: 4

[SOLVED] GNOME login screen freezes after 3 seconds


today I installed Arch-Linux the first time. I had some issues during the installation (following … Einsteiger (its the german version, seems to differ a little from the english version)), but everything went good until I installed GNOME. Now the login screen freezes everytime after quite exactly 3 seconds, unless I press [strg]+[alt]+[f2] fast enough to switch in tty2. Then the screen will only freeze when I switch back to tty1. Once the screen is frozen, I can't switch to tty2 anymore.

I think the problem has something to do with my nvidia hybrid graphic system. During the installation I installed the packages bumblebee, bbswitch and primus, but uninstalled them because I thought they could be the problem. But although I uninstalled the packages, the "Stamina-Mode" status led is turned on after the system has started and the "Speed-Mode" status led not. I think that's a little bit strange, because I can't imagine which process is controlling these leds.

So I ran just

pacman -S xorg-drivers

and I had to create the xinitrc-file (because I could not find this file in /etc/skel). Now the default GUI appeared after I ran


(I saw some windows and a clock). After that I installed gnome, changed the xinitrc-file in my userhome and got the freeze after a reboot.

I don't know if it has anything to do with my problem, but I get the following error-messages everytime I boot:

[drm:ibx_irq_handler] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO underrun
[drm:intel_dp_start_link_train] *ERROR* too many full retries, give up
[drm:ilk_display_irq_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun
interl ips 0000:00:1f.6: thermal reporting for required devices not enabled, aborting


P.S.: Because I'm a total beginner at linux I probably missed the most important informations, but I can give you more if you tell me how wink

Last edited by Homan42 (2014-10-18 19:43:17)


#2 2014-10-18 19:41:25

Registered: 2014-10-17
Posts: 4

Re: [SOLVED] GNOME login screen freezes after 3 seconds

Ok, I could solve the problem myself by installing the latest nvidia driver. Now I guess the intel grahic card is not used anymore, but I don't really know...


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