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#1 2014-11-01 01:40:37

Registered: 2014-03-17
Posts: 23

Warning on Encrypted Swap

The pink box at … sk_support says:

Warning: Do not use this setup with a key file. Please read about the issue reported here. Alternatively, use a gnupg-encrypted keyfile as per

Reading that link ( … e_insecure):

They cause the swap encryption key to be picked up by mkinitcpio and stored on the unencrypted /boot partition, thus rendering the encryption useless.

Looking at the contemporaneous version of the page … sk_support, it has instructions like

7. Then create and edit the hook setup file /lib/initcpio/install/openswap as:

# vim: set ft=sh:

install ()
    add_file "/etc/keys/swap.key"

help ()
  This opens the swap encrypted partition /dev/<device> in /dev/mapper/swapDevice

If you don't use a saved key file, remove unnecessary line add_file "/etc/keys/swap.key" from the file above.

8. Add the hook openswap in the HOOKS array in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, before filesystem, but after encrypt which is mandatory as well.

9. Regenerate the boot image:

# mkinitcpio -p kernel26

It seems that removing"add_file "/etc/keys/swap.key" resolves the issue of including the decrypted key in the /boot initcpio.

But then he goes on to say

Better still, the suspend image contains the keys for any other encrypted partitions that were currently open too...

Why is this a problem?  While it means that anyone who can resume the machine can also decrypt the other partitions, this seems reasonable most of the time.  And since we're encrypting /swap just as strongly as everything else, anyone with the ability to can crack the suspend image in /swap could also crack our other partitions.


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