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Ramiel is a set of scripts that caches frequently accessed directories in a tmpfs to eliminate IO overhead and allow programs to run faster. It runs as a timer unit within a systemd user instance and therefore typically consumes no extra resources.
Unleash your RAM!
No setup required - Just install and forget!
Turns ~/.config and ~/.cache into symlinks to tmpfs directories
~/.cache is recreated on every reboot
~/.config is regularly backed up across multiple tarballs in $XDG_DATA_HOME/ramiel to prevent data loss
This was originally something I wrote to work around Chromium's (technically SQLite) insistence on constantly fsyncing and thrashing my hard drive. I later tweaked it to make it more generic and easier to set up, and this was the result. There's a bit of overlap with profile-sync-daemon and anything-sync-daemon, but I hope someone out there finds it useful!