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Caffeine seems to have become much more complicated of late. I just wanted something simple for manually enabling/disabling blanking. This is the result. It requires pygtk and xset. It probably is a little buggy in the case where something else is changing these settings.
Thanks for the small tool!
How can I control for the size of the tray icon?
On my system it appears too large:
Secondly, do you intend to provide a AUR package for it?
Hmm, I'm not sure about the size thing. It looks fine on my system which is using i3 and Flat Studio Dark for the gtk theme. This is why I normally stick with CLI apps.
I probably wouldn't package it at this point as it obviously has some issues and is just a single file. Maybe down the track.
I encountered the oversized icon in stalonetray as well. Luckily, this seems to be easy to work around: If stalonetray is started after blank, the icon is scaled to the correct size.