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#1 2014-11-29 10:08:09

From: /home/fennectech/
Registered: 2014-06-04
Posts: 169

Xrandr pre graphical target [solved]

can i use xrandr newmode and xrandr addmode commands before  as a systemd service?  or do i have to find a way to execute it post graphical target  id rather not put it on the user account  id like it to be set systemwide

Last edited by fennectech (2014-12-03 01:32:09)

[FennecTECH@ArchOS ~]$ cat about_myself
Hello there my name is FennecTECH I am a novice arch user though I am here to learn  I live in central Minnesota where I hangout in the console and make my way into X11. Nice to meet you all! Enjoy my home directory feel free to poke around. There is a solution to every problem, so long as you do not break the laws of physics.
[FennecTECH@ArchOS ~]$


#2 2014-11-29 12:51:22

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: Xrandr pre graphical target [solved]

What exactly are you trying to do? Would editing xorg.conf work?


#3 2014-11-29 12:57:06

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 29,797

Re: Xrandr pre graphical target [solved]

You could make a file in /etc/X11/xinitrc.d/ provided your user's xinitrc sources these files (that's what they are for, but not everyone keeps the sourcing lines in their xinitrc).

EDIT: @Karol, this seems to follow from this thread (if you can make heads or tails of that).  @fennectech, it was good to start a new thread for this, but you can refer back to the previous thread so would-be helpers can get the context of the question.

Last edited by Trilby (2014-11-29 13:05:45)

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#4 2014-12-03 01:31:49

From: /home/fennectech/
Registered: 2014-06-04
Posts: 169

Re: Xrandr pre graphical target [solved]

Thank you  i will track down xinitrc and drop my commands into it :3   thanks

[FennecTECH@ArchOS ~]$ cat about_myself
Hello there my name is FennecTECH I am a novice arch user though I am here to learn  I live in central Minnesota where I hangout in the console and make my way into X11. Nice to meet you all! Enjoy my home directory feel free to poke around. There is a solution to every problem, so long as you do not break the laws of physics.
[FennecTECH@ArchOS ~]$


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