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#1 2014-11-30 07:14:11

Registered: 2011-10-27
Posts: 296

print out times for specifc dates in pacman.log using awk

To start off, I have this command:

awk '{print "Pacman performed an activty "$1" times on "$2}' <(awk '{print $1}' /var/log/pacman.log | uniq -c | tr -d '[]')

Here is some sample output from that command

Pacman performed an activty 111 times on 2014-11-14
Pacman performed an activty 31 times on 2014-11-15
Pacman performed an activty 12 times on 2014-11-16
Pacman performed an activty 21 times on 2014-11-17
Pacman performed an activty 21 times on 2014-11-18
Pacman performed an activty 20 times on 2014-11-20
Pacman performed an activty 83 times on 2014-11-22
Pacman performed an activty 17 times on 2014-11-23
Pacman performed an activty 4 times on 2014-11-24
Pacman performed an activty 9 times on 2014-11-25
Pacman performed an activty 39 times on 2014-11-27

Sample content of pacman.log

[2014-11-27 09:05] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
[2014-11-27 09:24] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
[2014-11-27 09:24] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
[2014-11-27 09:25] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
[2014-11-27 09:26] [PACMAN] upgraded autojump (21.7.1-1 -> 21.7.1-2)
[2014-11-27 09:26] [PACMAN] upgraded ca-certificates-mozilla (3.17.2-2 -> 3.17.2-3)
[2014-11-27 09:26] [PACMAN] upgraded nss (3.17.2-2 -> 3.17.2-3)
[2014-11-27 09:26] [PACMAN] upgraded flac (1.3.0-4 -> 1.3.0-5)
[2014-11-27 09:27] [PACMAN] upgraded chromium (39.0.2171.65-1 -> 39.0.2171.71-1)

Right now I want to show all the times for each specific date pacman does something. I would like my output to look like this

Pacman performed an activty 30 times on 2014-11-14


Pacman performedan activity 50 times on 2014-01-10


Just trying to learn awk and bash. I feel I can go somewhere pretty neat with the script. Basically I need to figure out how to print the cellss of the times for each specific date. I have the first part done. For the second part, I am completely lost  Any help would be must appreciated.
Eventually, I would like it to show packages updated  for that date etc. Right now I am just focused on the times. Any help would be must appreciated.

Last edited by quasifilmie (2014-11-30 07:14:49)


#2 2014-11-30 18:41:00

Registered: 2011-10-27
Posts: 296

Re: print out times for specifc dates in pacman.log using awk

Just wanna further explain what I'm doing. I can get the times to output but it shows the date and amount of activities as duplicates.

awk '{print "Pacman did an activty "$1" times on "$2, "\nthe times are" ,$3}' <(awk '{print $1, $2}' /var/log/pacman.log | uniq -c | tr -d '[]')  
Pacman did an activity 3 times on 2014-11-23 
the times are 15:52
Pacman did an activity 4 times on 2014-11-24 
the times are 16:24
Pacman did an activity 6 times on 2014-11-25 
the times are 11:21
Pacman did an activity 3 times on 2014-11-25 
the times are 11:23
Pacman did an activity 2 times on 2014-11-27 
the times are 09:05

I'm wondering if I need an array and/or counter. Or am I over-complicating it?


#3 2014-11-30 21:05:56

Registered: 2004-06-20
Posts: 1,175

Re: print out times for specifc dates in pacman.log using awk

This is pretty easy; since you are trying to learn something I'd suggest you have a look at and attempt to use variables, if-statements and while-loops; it should be pretty doable. In meta-code, I think you should aim for something like:

while read date time
  if $date == $prev_date
    times=($times $time)
    echo $date - $times

Last edited by Spider.007 (2014-12-13 12:48:18)


#4 2014-11-30 21:54:30

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,332

Re: print out times for specifc dates in pacman.log using awk

The uniq and tr pipeline is not needed - and likely will make it harder to troubleshoot.  Also recursive awk'ing is a bit odd.  This can be done with a single invocation of awk.  Check out the (g)awk manual to learn how (hint you'll likely want to use an associative array).

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


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