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Maybe this question belongs in the bspwm thread, but to me this seems the right place to ask it.
Why does the panel script ( show two instances?
Here is the pstree branch
│ ├─bspc
│ ├─ <-- this one
│ ├─bspwm_panel_bar
│ ├─conky───3*[{conky}]
│ └─xtitle
The is the script to launch the panel, and is the parser script for bar aint recursive.
here is It gets launched from bspwmrc
#! /bin/sh
source $(dirname $0)/panel_config
if [ $(pgrep -cx -gt 1 ] ; then
printf "%s\n" "The panel is already running." >&2
exit 1
trap 'trap - TERM; kill 0' INT TERM QUIT EXIT
[ -e "$PANEL_FIFO" ] && rm "$PANEL_FIFO"
mkfifo "$PANEL_FIFO"
bspc control --subscribe > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
xtitle -sf 'T%s' > "$PANEL_FIFO" &
conky -c ~/Conky/bspwm_dec_conkyrc > "$PANEL_FIFO" & < "$PANEL_FIFO" \
| bar -p \
-g "$geometry" \
-f "$FONT1","$FONT2" \
-B "$BAR_BG" \
-F "$BAR_FG" \
| while read line; do eval "$line"; done &
There shouls be one instance each of, and the What I do not get is where the second instance of panel script is coming from.
pgrep output
1617 /bin/sh /home/easysid/.scripts/
1624 /bin/sh /home/easysid/.scripts/
1626 /bin/sh /home/easysid/.scripts/
Maybe its some aspect of wait that I am not familiar with.
Last edited by easysid (2014-12-03 18:34:14)
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
You run a new subshell for the while-loop. This manifests as a forked thread in the pstree output. If you don't need that, remove the "&" and the "wait".
Last edited by progandy (2014-12-03 17:54:09)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Ah, ok
while read line; do eval "$line"; done
This pipe creates the second process. I guess it derives its name from the parent process.
Removing "&" and "wait" doesn't work, because the while-loop still shows up as a process. Removing the while-loop works and I get only two instances.
I need the while loop though, for clickable areas on bar. Thanks for resolving it.
I'll mark it as solved.
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github