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#1 2002-12-04 07:56:13

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 216

i586 Packages

After my main box finaly gave in last night(no dropping of two litre bottles of coke onto its mobo worked this time sad ) ive had to go back to my old cyrix pr200 : :cry:

I still had an old hd with a port of AL on it I was using for creating new packages, so since last night Ive been running off a fresh up2date build of base, lib, network and xfree86. 

Does neone have an interest in this? Im going to attempt to create a boot disk that can be used to ftp crap from an.. ftp server... which will take time but better than nothing..


#2 2002-12-04 08:36:37

From: Groningen, The Netherlands
Registered: 2002-10-24
Posts: 66

Re: i586 Packages

I know a lot of people want this, the issue comes up every time...


#3 2002-12-04 10:21:18

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 216

Re: i586 Packages

kewl, neone wanna volunter to create a boot disk set?


#4 2002-12-05 07:54:02

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 216

Re: i586 Packages

alrighty, just had most packages compiled.. was a long time and had to spend two nights sleeping to harddisk rattles but in the end is was not worth it, Ive just upgraded glibc and now every thing is giving illegal instructions which problery means its fucked.. im going to go home now and chuck every last pieace of computing equipment into a skip set light to it all and run around it butt nekkid chanting "ms rulez!!"... that alright with everyone?

good day


#5 2002-12-05 21:05:00

From: Germany
Registered: 2002-10-11
Posts: 374

Re: i586 Packages

Nah,  it might be entertaining but not very helpful ....

But to come back to your i586 distribution : I would be interestred in that, too. I even
have a Cyrix CPU based laptop as well smile and I wanted to put AL on it eventually. (yes,
I really like AL ... so I may even be posting more, soon)

No promises, though, on making such a thing but is there any documentation on how
to make a bootfloppy ? Or am I just blind ? Oh, and it may make sense to compile
the bootfloppy with 386 optimizations. That way, the same could be used if one makes
a custom install repository.



#6 2002-12-05 22:36:53

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 216

Re: i586 Packages

andy wrote:

Oh, and it may make sense to compile
the bootfloppy with 386 optimizations. That way, the same could be used if one makes
a custom install repository.

I past that idea onto Judd awhile back, not sure if hes got it planned for the next boot set or now.. neway on a good note I got a new mobo+cpu from work today for free.. so got a decent box up and running again.. Ill play around with the i586 port on the weekend..

I ported AL for my lappy(libretto p75) and it runs great.. as soon as I sort all the packages out even if theres no iso should be able to do an easy ftp install..


#7 2002-12-05 22:58:57

From: Westside - CenCAL
Registered: 2002-08-16
Posts: 83

Re: i586 Packages

well ody, alls i gots to say is this: a .44 mag can quickly become ur best friend. as fur the boot disk aspect, jeepster pointed me on to the following to extract the AL cd's emulated floppy image.

mount -o loop -t ext2 boot.img /some/where

then copy the contents of /some/where to ur floppy and edit.. the image in /some/where is temporary and ro so keep that in mind.

try to be a man and some day, you'll understand   -ccr
oh dont u worry.. ill be eating ur balls fur lunch tomorrow.   -Hugh "HughMan" Stahl
MoRdAnTlY [Mr. Wolf '91 - '11]


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