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Changed the name of the script from pacsearch to pacdot.
Apparently yaourt -Ssaq does this, so this script isn't as necessary as I thought. Although, I still find using pacdot -w to open the results in a text document helpful.
This isn't a question; it's a script I wrote. I thought someone else might find this useful.
I keep finding myself searching with pacman or yaourt and wishing I could get just the package names, not all of the extra stuff. For example, I'd love to be able to run yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssa package). It doesn't seem like pacman and yaourt have an option for this (not that I can tell, at least), so I wrote a python script to do it. Copy it if you'd like. You can name it what you want, but I'll refer to it as package will be like yaourt -Ssa package but only list the package names.
I added a few extra options: -o package will only list results from the official Arch repositories, not the AUR. -i package will install all the found packages. If you've ever thought about running something like yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssa package), that's what this command does. -w package will:
Create a file called 'the-package-you-searched.txt',
Write an example command that would install the found packages,
(yaourt -Sa all-of-the-results),
Write each result on a new line, and
Open the file for you (with your default text editor).
Here's the code:
import argparse
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
from collections import deque
desc = ''.join(('Search the official Arch and AUR databases ',
'and return package names only. ',
'e.g.: ` arch` will return "arch", ',
'whereas `$ yaourt -Ssa arch` will return ',
'"community/arch 1.3.5-10',
' A modern and remarkable revision control system."'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
help='Package to search with pacman')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--official', action='store_true',
help='Search official repositories only, not the AUR')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--install', action='store_true',
help='Install found packages')
parser.add_argument('-w', '--write', action='store_true',
help='Write to file')
#Set args strings.
args = parser.parse_args()
pkg = args.package
official_only = args.official
install = args.install
write = args.write
# Do yaourt search.
package_search = Popen(['yaourt', '-Ssa', '%s' % pkg], stdout=PIPE).communicate()
# Put each found package into a list.
package_titles_descs = str(package_search[0]).split('\\n')
# Strip off the packages descriptions.
package_titles = [package_titles_descs[i]
for i in range(0, len(package_titles_descs), 2)]
# Remove empty item in list.
# Make a separate list of the non-aur packages.
package_titles_official = deque(package_titles)
for p in package_titles if p.startswith('aur')]
# Strip off extra stuff like repository names and version numbers.
packages_all = [re.sub('([^/]+)/([^\s]+) (.*)',
r'\2', str(p))
for p in package_titles]
packages_official = [re.sub('([^/]+)/([^\s]+) (.*)',
r'\2', str(p))
for p in package_titles_official]
# Mark the aur packages.
# (Not needed, just in case you want to modify this script.)
#packages_aur = packages_all[len(packages_official):]
# Set target packages to 'all' or 'official repos only'
# based on argparse arguments.
if official_only:
packages = packages_official
packages = packages_all
# Print the good stuff.
for p in packages:
if write:
# Write results to file.
filename = ''.join((pkg, '.txt'))
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
print(''.join(('Yaourt search for "', pkg, '"\n')), file=f)
print('To install:', file=f)
packages_string = ' '.join(packages)
print(' '.join(('yaourt -Sa', packages_string)), file=f)
print('\nPackage list:', file=f)
for p in packages:
print(p, file=f)
# Open file.
call(('xdg-open', filename))
if install:
# Install packages with yaourt.
for p in packages:
print(''.join(('\n\033[1;32m==> ', '\033[1;37m', p,
Popen(['yaourt', '-Sa', '%s' % p]).communicate()
Last edited by GreenRaccoon23 (2014-12-22 19:17:37)
pacseach is a script packaged with pacman, you should change the name to avoid a collision.
This does the same thing, AFAICT:
pacsearch pulse | awk -F/ '{print $2}'
expac works only with official and unofficial repos, not with the AUR, but it's very nice.
Adding '-q' should help, grep to weed out false positives.
yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq pulse)
works, but
$ yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq chrome)
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
warning: removing 'chromium' from target list because it conflicts with 'chromium-no-sse2'
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: chromium-no-sse2 and chromium-scroll-pixelGs are in conflict
so at least
$ yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq chrome|grep google)
is needed.
Edit: Also:
$ LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT0 diff -Naur /usr/bin/pacsearch /usr/local/bin/pacsearch
--- /usr/bin/pacsearch 2014-11-21 11:20:37.000000000 +0000
+++ /usr/local/bin/pacsearch 2014-12-21 08:21:14.758856006 +0000
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
my %allpkgs = ();
-my $syncout = `pacman -Ss '@ARGV'`;
+my $syncout = `pacman -Ssq '@ARGV'`;
# split each sync search entry into its own array entry
my @syncpkgs = split(/\n^(?=\w)/m, $syncout);
# remove the extra \n from the last desc entry
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
$allpkgs{$pkgfields[1]} = [ @pkgfields ];
-my $queryout = `pacman -Qs '@ARGV'`;
+my $queryout = `pacman -Qqs '@ARGV'`;
# split each querysearch entry into its own array entry
my @querypkgs = split(/\n^(?=\w)/m, $queryout);
# remove the extra \n from the last desc entry
$ /usr/local/bin/pacsearch pulse
Although why not simply use pacman or expac?
Last edited by karol (2014-12-21 08:26:48)
pacseach is a script packaged with pacman, you should change the name to avoid a collision.
This does the same thing, AFAICT:
pacsearch pulse | awk -F/ '{print $2}'
Well look at that! There is a pacsearch script in '/bin'!
expac works only with official and unofficial repos, not with the AUR, but it's very nice.
Adding '-q' should help, grep to weed out false positives.
yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq pulse)
works, but
$ yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq chrome) resolving dependencies... looking for inter-conflicts... warning: removing 'chromium' from target list because it conflicts with 'chromium-no-sse2' error: unresolvable package conflicts detected error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies) :: chromium-no-sse2 and chromium-scroll-pixelGs are in conflict
so at least
$ yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq chrome|grep google)
is needed.
Edit: Also:
$ LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT0 diff -Naur /usr/bin/pacsearch /usr/local/bin/pacsearch ...
$ /usr/local/bin/pacsearch pulse libpulse ...
Although why not simply use pacman or expac?
I've never noticed that -q argument before. I'm not sure how I missed it. That's much easier.
Last edited by GreenRaccoon23 (2014-12-22 19:06:44)