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#1 2006-02-27 03:30:10

Registered: 2004-07-10
Posts: 131

Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

Well I decided I had time to kill tonight and figured I could mess around with X.  Turns out I spent more time downloading the new KDE that I hadn't gotten with a pac -Syu than I did configuring Xorg7.

Just follow the Wiki... make sure you read the link in the wiki that points to the dev's blog... and it's really not that bad... 

The only things I changed in my original xorg.conf wer fontpaths module path and rgb path. 

Nvidia driver is running nice and easy too....

(not trying to start any flame wars with people that had it bad...)
just saying that for what it's worth it's not too bad to upgrade now...

Just read the wiki smile


#2 2006-02-27 03:58:31

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

Glad it went smoothly for you.  There are quite a few entries in the xorg7 wiki page now that weren't there when the upgrade first hit the repos, so that might make a difference for some.

ozar  smile



#3 2006-02-27 04:37:04

Registered: 2004-07-10
Posts: 131

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

Definitely understandable...

Without the wiki I would've been a little clueless...

That and I heard there was a possible server sync issue earlier?


#4 2006-02-27 04:48:55

Forum Fellow
From: Waterloo, ON, CA
Registered: 2005-04-08
Posts: 3,108

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

Hold on, hold on.  No complaints?  No problems?  Everything went WELL?

... are you sure this is a true xorg7 thread? tongue

Anywho, congrats on the successful upgrade.  And yeah, there was a problem were people were only getting half the updated packages earlier on in the update... that's been sorted out now though.


#5 2006-02-27 10:40:31

From: Leverkusen, Germany
Registered: 2003-12-10
Posts: 22

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

I hadn't any real problems either. There were some files missing after the upgrade though, but a simple reinstall did the job.
It took 10 minutes or something to do the whole upgrade...


#6 2006-02-27 10:59:45

From: Switzerland
Registered: 2004-08-01
Posts: 215

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

Same here. The only issue I encountered with the update was changed keyboard layouts (no longer de_CH, but now cd(de)) which was remedied quickly with help from the forums. Apart from that, the upgrade went very smoothly thanks to the wiki.

And here was I, preparing myself for a night of pain. I'm almost disappointed. big_smile


#7 2006-02-27 12:01:36

From: Europe/Helsinki
Registered: 2004-03-19
Posts: 254

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

My only problem was that I followed the wiki suggestion to add XkbOptions to the xorg.conf. Previously I didn't have any, and my keyboard layout works now that I don't have them.

For a while I had trouble with compose key; it didn't work when I had it explicitly mentioned in the config.

Othervise the upgrade was a smooth run smile


#8 2006-02-27 17:48:35

From: Peoples Republic of Boulder
Registered: 2005-01-08
Posts: 52

Re: Migration to Xorg7 = No Probs

I'm glad someone else started this thread - I had been thinking of it but hadn't gotten to it yet. My Xorg7 upgrade went remarkably smoothly, even with the upgrade of KDE at the same time (>170 packages in all, close to 400MB). My thanks to the developers & all those who posted their experiences.


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