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A few people have had problems with the new (testing) glibc and other languages. There have been some discussions on the mailing list. There were a few typos (or changes) in the news on the main site and in the locale-gen file itself. So, regardless of what the locale-gen file says, this has worked for me (thanks to Tobias who seems to have found the problem and gave the solution).
After upgrading, there will be a file /etc/locale-gen with a few commented sample lines in it. Uncomment the line for en_US.UFT8. Change the second UTF8 to UTF-8
Then add lines for Japanese. So, your uncommented lines should be
en_US.UTF8 UTF-8
ja_JP.UTF8 UTF-8
Then you can set your locales as usual, en_US.utf8 ja_JP.utf8. You might still get some error messages about being unable to set locale, falling back to C, but everything should work.
Thanks for pointing it all out. For the next version, I will fill locale.gen with all supported locales from the glibc sources and comment them out. This way no mistakes like these will happen and users know which locales are available.
And thank you for all your work on this. (And of course, thanks to Tobias for figuring out the solution.)