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#1 2006-03-04 12:39:26

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 53

xorg7 fresh install

Hello all,
I've just installed Arch Linux from the installation cd, I used pacman to get xorg and tried to install and config it. The x terminal showed up, but when I tried to type something on it, there are no letter showing up, instead, it changed the size of the terminal.

This is what I,ve done:

pacman -Sy xorg
Xorg -configure
cp ~/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Then there are some warning on the screen saying that my locale is not supported by Xlib, and it changed my locale to C. My locale is en_GB.

Is there anything wrong with my steps?Can anyone help me please?


#2 2006-03-04 12:46:13

Registered: 2006-01-12
Posts: 735

Re: xorg7 fresh install

Do you have testing enabled? coz glibc had an update on Testing repo... if you have testing enabled, then put en_GB.utf8 UTF8 in /etc/locale.gen and run locale-gen, check Important glibc locale change in testing  for more info on it!


#3 2006-03-04 12:52:06

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 53

Re: xorg7 fresh install

Thanks for the fast reply.

I'm downloading the updates now. So the is that all the thing that I need to do? I mean, do I have to download any other stuff? Or run any other command?


#4 2006-03-04 12:58:45

Registered: 2006-01-12
Posts: 735

Re: xorg7 fresh install

Well if you are running Testing then you should what exactly Judd has said in that news item, But if you are not running Testing i.e Testing repo is commented in /etc/pacman.conf then do not enable it and it is not glibc the problem in this case, it's something else


#5 2006-03-04 14:28:56

Forum Moderator
From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 12,394

Re: xorg7 fresh install

xorg -configure does a very basic configuration and usually needs to be tweaked a lot.

pacman -S hwd
hwd -x

as root will make /etc/X11/xorg.conf.hwd .

this file often works a lot better as starting point.

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building to complicated ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#6 2006-03-04 17:31:38

Registered: 2005-09-14
Posts: 26

Re: xorg7 fresh install

I was having a bunch of problems when I did a fresh install of xorg, but I got it working after a while.  I don't know if this will help you, but here it goes;

I first Install xorg through pacman
pacman -S xorg
then I did a "Xorg --configure"

I try multiple times with hwd but it was unsuccessful,  when I ran startx it just gave me a bunch of errors.

After doing the  "Xorg -configure"
i did this "Xorg -config <file>" where file is the file that "Xorg --configure" created.  This still gave me errors, but the errors had to do with applications such as xterm not being install.  I install these through pacman and it work like a champ.  I just had to copy the config file to "/etc/X11".

Am currently a very happy gnome user because of this.

I hope this helps someone out there.


#7 2006-03-06 00:12:31

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 53

Re: xorg7 fresh install

The same problem still occurs, I tried to start kde from the xintrc. I can get into kde, but no matter what key that I press on the keyboard, the resolution of the screen changes.

And I got some warning after exitting, something like:

expecting keysym, got XF86_Switch_VT_1: line 34 of pc



#8 2006-03-06 12:12:21

Forum Moderator
From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 12,394

Re: xorg7 fresh install

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building to complicated ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


#9 2006-03-07 05:00:31

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 53

Re: xorg7 fresh install

I tried it, but I just can't find where the xkeysymdb file is. Is there any instruction on how to install xorg7, maybe I missed out somethings.


#10 2006-03-07 05:08:36

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: xorg7 fresh install

willy wrote:

Is there any instruction on how to install xorg7, maybe I missed out somethings.

Have you been through this wiki page yet?



#11 2006-03-07 05:31:15

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 53

Re: xorg7 fresh install

Yes, but It doesn't give any instruction about fresh install


#12 2006-03-07 18:13:08

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: xorg7 fresh install

willy wrote:

Yes, but It doesn't give any instruction about fresh install

That's the only thing I used for my own fresh install and it seems to have worked pretty well.  I think the wiki page, the man pages, and the posts here and whatever are on the Arch News Blog are the only documentation items available, at least so far.



#13 2006-03-08 07:56:16

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 53

Re: xorg7 fresh install

I tried to reinstall Arch again and everything goes just fine now. Thaks for the help guys


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