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Hi everyone,
when I open git-gui, it looks awful and the menu text is basically impossible to read. See this screenshot: the menu text is completely unreadable and only recognizable when I hover over it (the same for all submenus):
I've tried setting my GTK2 and GTK3 theme (via lxappearance, for example) and other applications pick up on it. What am I missing, what is git-gui doing differently?
Thanks in advance for your help!
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Last edited by Trilby (2015-02-15 01:20:35)
git gui is based on tcl/tk and the ttk widgets. You can get a slightly better design with the clam theme which you have to set in the xrdb, e.g. with ~/.Xresources or this way:
echo '*TkTheme: clam' | xrdb -merge -
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
That did the trick. Thank you!
No problem. If you don't use the clam theme, then you can change the colors with an x resource file, e.g.
*Menu.background: Black
*Menu.foreground: White
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Also good to know. And TK is the right hint to look more into it if need be. Thanks again!
Pages: 1