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#1 2015-03-04 06:00:28

Registered: 2015-03-04
Posts: 1

KODI/XBMC auto run and script problems?

I started a project a couple weeks ago to build a htpc using xbmc/kodi. I wanted to be able to play retro and steam games. So I've installed emulationstation and steam. Now comes the tricky part (for me anyways), writing bash scripts to access the programs through Advanced Program Launcher. Once I finally got that set up, I set the computer to login automatically and to auto run kodi. And here's where the issue happens. Normally when I run the simple script below, it closes kodi, and opens the program (so only one program is running at a time). However if I try to access the program from the auto-run instance of kodi, it doesn't close kodi before running. Instead, it opens the program and then opens another version of kodi. So if I press alt-tab it shows "kodi/emulationstation/kodi", so I have 3 programs open instead of 1 and trying to close any of them starts a cycle of new instances opening that causes a crash....

killall -9 kodi.bin
kodi &

So since everything runs fine when I start kodi by hand (icon and terminal), I'm assuming the problem is the way I'm auto starting the program? I've used the autostart section under the LXsession configuration, trying @kodi and @lxterminal -e kodi but both produce the same problem. Is there another/better way to autostart a program that I can do this? Or do you guys think it's an issue with the script?

Thank in advance!!

I'm running Arch 64 bit with the LXDE desktop.


#2 2015-03-04 09:17:15

Registered: 2013-03-13
Posts: 388

Re: KODI/XBMC auto run and script problems?

How do you autostart kodi ? By enabling the service ?
In that case killing kodi would make it restart.


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