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[root@serenity youdaman]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: current is up to date
:: extra is up to date
:: community is up to date
:: ttf-bitstream-vera conflicts with xorg. Remove xorg? [Y/n]
What's going on here? I'd recently done a previous pacman -Syu and I recall that glut was replaced by freeglut and pacman itself was updated. After that I'd tried to install the wine and ttf-ms-fonts packages unsuccessfully -- wine wanted to replace freeglut with glut (reversing the above upgrade) and both packages complained about numerous existing files that made their installation fail.
Now I'm being asked if I want to remove xorg? What the hell's going on?
Is it to do with glut/freeglut/pacman?
A Quick Fix for the Bitstream-Vera Conflict
If you see a message that ttf-bitstream-vera conflicts with xorg:
1. Exit the pacman session by answering no.
2. Run pacman -Rd xorg
3. Run pacman -Syu
4. Run pacman -S xorg
5. Update your paths in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Isn't hitting y to remove xorg the same thing?
Anyhow, I had hit y just for the hell of it, thinking I'd reinstall xorg after the upgrade. I was part way through when I read your post and cancelled, so I've removed xorg as per your instructions and proceeded with the upgrade. Fingers crossed it all works -- thanks!
Well apart from having to reboot to convince my system that startx was no longer in /usr/X11R6/bin, and having to manually install xterm, things seem to be going alright. Hmmm... xterm now has a menu? 0.o
I had to uninstall/reinstall the nvidia package, and even though it complained it failed things are working... weird. Anyhow, here's hoping everything's fine
Right, so starting xterm with +tb gets rid of the tool bar... also I noticed XMMS' menu has resorted to a basic font, most likely because of the new location of xorg fonts?
I also noticed the button mapping for my Intellimouse was fubar'ed. I've updated the wiki with the required fix: … ot_working
Right, so starting xterm with +tb gets rid of the tool bar...
Another more "permanent" solution is to put the following line into ~/.Xdefaults
XTerm*toolBar: off
To activate any changed settings:
xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
Pages: 1