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#1 2015-03-26 10:46:54

Registered: 2012-06-04
Posts: 5

MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

The touchpad of the latest MacBook Pro exhibits the same problem as the one described in this thread
There, it was determined that the root of the problem lies in a kernel driver. My question is, how should I proceed to report this problem?

1. Should I wait first until someone else confirms this problem (I am a little bit confused since the wiki mentions that it "Mostly works out of the box")?
2. If I decide to report it in, should I open a new ticket or continue inside the previous bug report (id 60181)?
3. I consider that I don't have the necessary skills to deal with this bug report. Should I give it a try nevertheless or is it better to wait until someone with knowledge and time decides to tackle it?


#2 2015-04-06 21:03:35

Registered: 2015-04-06
Posts: 1

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Thought I'd comment to say I'm experiencing the same problems. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced with these issues either.

I think a new ticket is in order because that bug concerns the 2013 MBA even if the issue seems similar.


#3 2015-04-17 09:16:43

Registered: 2013-04-27
Posts: 6

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Seeing this as well. Filed a bug upstream:


#4 2015-04-30 16:51:54

Registered: 2013-10-09
Posts: 12

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

kfiz wrote:

Seeing this as well. Filed a bug upstream:

As it happens this issue was reported slightly earlier
I'm working on a patch to address this.  The one I've already posted does multitouch if you want to use it.  I need to clean up the code a bit before it will get merged upstream though.


#5 2015-05-01 02:23:22

Registered: 2013-04-27
Posts: 6

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Knasher wrote:
kfiz wrote:

Seeing this as well. Filed a bug upstream:

As it happens this issue was reported slightly earlier
I'm working on a patch to address this.  The one I've already posted does multitouch if you want to use it.  I need to clean up the code a bit before it will get merged upstream though.

Thanks for pointing to that existing report. I marked my bug report as duplicate and will definitely try your patch, once I can spare some time.


#6 2015-05-14 17:28:19

Registered: 2015-04-20
Posts: 3

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Knasher - I've tried applying your patch but can't seem to get it to work. Once I've booted into my install using the new patched kernel the trackpad doesn't respond at all - what do I need to do to get it to work?


#7 2015-05-25 14:15:58

Registered: 2013-09-04
Posts: 3

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

shpongledspores wrote:

Knasher - I've tried applying your patch but can't seem to get it to work. Once I've booted into my install using the new patched kernel the trackpad doesn't respond at all - what do I need to do to get it to work?

Same, relevant section of .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log:

[     7.602] (II) config/udev: Adding input device bcm5974 (/dev/input/event8)
[     7.602] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "evdev touchpad catchall"
[     7.602] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "touchpad catchall"
[     7.602] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "Default clickpad buttons"
[     7.602] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "Disable clickpad buttons on Apple touchpads"
[     7.602] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "libinput touchpad catchall"
[     7.650] (EE) systemd-logind: failed to take device /dev/input/event8: Input/output error
[     7.650] (II) Using input driver 'libinput' for 'bcm5974'
[     7.650] (**) bcm5974: always reports core events
[     7.650] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event8"
[     7.703] (II) opening input device '/dev/input/event8' failed (Input/output error).
[     7.703] (II) failed to create input device '/dev/input/event8'.
[     7.703] (EE) libinput: bcm5974: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/event8
[     7.703] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for "bcm5974"
[     7.703] (II) UnloadModule: "libinput"

Last edited by rekoil (2015-05-25 14:16:34)


#8 2015-07-03 18:16:33

Registered: 2015-07-03
Posts: 1

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Having issues with Xorg not recognizing the input device? Make sure that xf86-input-synaptics is installed.


#9 2015-07-16 01:32:46

Registered: 2013-12-20
Posts: 33

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Just FYI, in this thread fooblahblah posted links to some kernel patches that fix the touchpad and function key issues for the MBP 12,x.


#10 2015-07-31 03:39:47

Registered: 2015-07-30
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Hi everyone. I just wanted to post what I did to fix the problem.

I decided to give Arch Linux a try and install it on my brand spanking new Macbook Pro 13 inch Retina 12,1 model (it came in last week, that's how new). I've never used Arch Linux before. I've been running xubuntu on my older Macbook Pro 13 inch from early 2011. I say all this because I don't know how to patch a linux kernel (yet) so you know my user level. Also, I'm running KDE Plasma 5.

1) I cloned SicVolo's repo at:
2) I had to edit the Makefile because when I first ran "make" it could not find the modules target (I've never done this before, so it was exciting to see this work)
3) I then ran "make" and "sudo make install" as per the instructions in the
4) I ran sudo mkinitcpio -p linux to rebuild initial ram disk environment with the new modules (this was in place of SicVolo's ubuntu version update-initrmfs)
5) Reboot and it worked.

Now, let me explain in detail because there are some packages that I had to install to make sure this all worked.

You must have linux headers installed before trying to build anything. Since this is my first time running Arch Linux, I had no idea these were not automatically installed. To do this you run: sudo pacman -S linux-headers.

Second, it seems to me that in order to get this to work you should have the synaptics driver installed as mentioned by @ThatTreeOverThere. Just run: sudo pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics.

Now onto the modification. I had to change a few things in the Makefile because the targets were off. I don't understand this because, as I said, I'm a noob so if someone can explain the theory, that would be great. I checked for my kernel using uname -r and it told me it was 4.1.2-2-ARCH. However, when I installed the linux headers they all went into the 4.1.3-1-ARCH folder (/lib/modules/4.1.3-1-ARCH/build). I couldn't get the header files to install into the 4.1.2-2-ARCH folder (/lib/modules/4.1.2-2-ARCH/build)  even though the drivers end up in the 4.1.2-2-ARCH folder (/lib/modules/4.1.2-2-ARCH/kernel). This is a problem because the MakeFile assumes that your build files and your driver files are all going into the same target folder (based on your uname -r output). I adjusted this so that it would work with my setup and you can do the same thing if you do a little digging. Anyway, here's the modified contents. You can copy and paste this into a new MakeFile and replace the one that comes in the repo and run the usual install commands mentioned above.

On second thought, I suppose you could try coping all the files from 4.1.3-1-ARCH/build to 4.1.2-2-ARCH/build and see if that works. Well, whatever.

TARGET		:= $(shell uname -r)
HOME		 = $(shell pwd)
KERNEL_MODULES2	:= /lib/modules/$(TARGET)
DRIVER		:= hid-apple
DRIVER_H	:= hid
MOD_SUBDIR	 = drivers/hid
DRIVER_M	:= bcm5974
MOD_SUBDIR_M	 = drivers/input/mouse

hid-y		:= hid-core.o hid-input.o hid-debug.o hidraw.o

obj-m	:= $(DRIVER).o $(DRIVER_H).o $(DRIVER_M).o

MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory

.PHONY: all install modules clean

all: modules

modules clean:

install: modules
	install --backup --mode 644 --group root --owner root $(DRIVER).ko $(KERNEL_MODULES2)/kernel/$(MOD_SUBDIR)
	install --backup --mode 644 --group root --owner root $(DRIVER_H).ko $(KERNEL_MODULES2)/kernel/$(MOD_SUBDIR)
	install --backup --mode 644 --group root --owner root $(DRIVER_M).ko $(KERNEL_MODULES2)/kernel/$(MOD_SUBDIR_M)
	depmod -a $(TARGET)

Last but not least, thank you SicVolo for making this patch into an easy to install package. This was originally made to run on Ubuntu, but as you can see, it works with Arch Linux. SicVolo has been active in the bugzilla post where he and a number of others (in particular Henrik Rydberg) have been working hard on getting this patch out. I can confirm that the keyboard backlight works, the touchpad works (right click, taps, etc), and the function key works.

I really hope this helps someone!

EDIT 7/31/15:
I wanted to add that while the function keys work, they seem to be in a perpetual state of working. That is, I do not need to use the "fn" key to activate them. Also, the media keys are not working. Has anyone had trouble dimming their screen brightness? I can't get that working, either. Cheers.

EDIT 8/1/15:
So my system needed to upgraded to reflect the new 4.1.3 kernel. So make sure you sudo pacman -Syu before you start. You won't have to alter the Makefile. Function keys are still a little screwy.

Last edited by dmrobotix (2015-08-01 16:42:56)


#11 2015-08-01 21:38:22

Registered: 2013-12-20
Posts: 33

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

@dmrobotix The MBP's keyboard is designed so that the function keys work like that; pressed alone the F8/Play key sends "<XF86AudioPlay>", but pressed with the "fn" key it sends "F8". If it's working like that then the driver's working correctly. There's probably a way to change it if that's not the behavior you desire,  but I don't know how off-hand.

You mention that your media keys don't work correctly. I imagine that if the other function keys work then the media keys themselves are working, but your desktop environment probably isn't providing any functionality for them. The program xev from the xorg-xev package allows you to monitor X events, so you can see what gets registered when you press one of your media keys.


#12 2015-08-02 17:42:35

Registered: 2015-07-30
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Thanks for the reply, @whitebrice ...

The problem is that the keys *do not* function that way. I apologize that my original post was not clear. My problem is that the "fn" key does NOTHING to toggle the keys between acting as media keys and function keys. They are always function keys. I noticed that the hid-apple module is missing from the kernel folder on my computer. Not sure why, but I think that might have something to do with that....

I'll check out xev as well.


#13 2015-08-06 23:50:16

Registered: 2007-04-17
Posts: 99

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

dmrobotix wrote:

Hi everyone. I just wanted to post what I did to fix the problem.

I decided to give Arch Linux a try and install it on my brand spanking new Macbook Pro 13 inch Retina 12,1 model (it came in last week, that's how new). I've never used Arch Linux before. I've been running xubuntu on my older Macbook Pro 13 inch from early 2011. I say all this because I don't know how to patch a linux kernel (yet) so you know my user level. Also, I'm running KDE Plasma 5.

Tried building/installing these but I don't see any difference on 4.1.4. Had you done anything additional in Xorg to set up the trackpad?

Fn button appears to do nothing still.


#14 2015-08-07 04:47:41

Registered: 2013-12-20
Posts: 33

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

@dmrobotix I see, sorry I misunderstood. You may want to try the kernel patches fooblahblah posted in the thread I link to above. They worked for me to get the multitouch and the function keys working on my 12,1. That being said, the imminent 4.2 kernel should have the drivers built in, so it may just be easier to wait.


#15 2015-08-07 15:47:59

Registered: 2015-07-30
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Hey, @fivre. I didn't do anything in Xorg other than install it before installing KDE Plasma 5. What's your setup? Did you skip any of the steps? If should work after a reboot. I have noticed that sometimes it seems to turn off after a reboot, but I just reinstall it when that happens. I've reinstalled it previously using my directions and it works fine.

@whitebrice Yeah, I think I"ll wait until 4.2. I've managed to manually override the function key presets so that I can use them to adjust the volume. I'm happy with that for now!


#16 2015-08-09 13:21:23

Registered: 2014-01-27
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

dmrobotix wrote:

Hi everyone. I just wanted to post what I did to fix the problem.

I decided to give Arch Linux a try and install it on my brand spanking new Macbook Pro 13 inch Retina 12,1 model (it came in last week, that's how new). I've never used Arch Linux before. I've been running xubuntu on my older Macbook Pro 13 inch from early 2011. I say all this because I don't know how to patch a linux kernel (yet) so you know my user level. Also, I'm running KDE Plasma 5.

1) I cloned SicVolo's repo at:
2) I had to edit the Makefile because when I first ran "make" it could not find the modules target (I've never done this before, so it was exciting to see this work)
3) I then ran "make" and "sudo make install" as per the instructions in the
4) I ran sudo mkinitcpio -p linux to rebuild initial ram disk environment with the new modules (this was in place of SicVolo's ubuntu version update-initrmfs)
5) Reboot and it worked.

Now, let me explain in detail because there are some packages that I had to install to make sure this all worked.

You must have linux headers installed before trying to build anything. Since this is my first time running Arch Linux, I had no idea these were not automatically installed. To do this you run: sudo pacman -S linux-headers.

Second, it seems to me that in order to get this to work you should have the synaptics driver installed as mentioned by @ThatTreeOverThere. Just run: sudo pacman -S xf86-input-synaptics.

Now onto the modification. I had to change a few things in the Makefile because the targets were off. I don't understand this because, as I said, I'm a noob so if someone can explain the theory, that would be great. I checked for my kernel using uname -r and it told me it was 4.1.2-2-ARCH. However, when I installed the linux headers they all went into the 4.1.3-1-ARCH folder (/lib/modules/4.1.3-1-ARCH/build). I couldn't get the header files to install into the 4.1.2-2-ARCH folder (/lib/modules/4.1.2-2-ARCH/build)  even though the drivers end up in the 4.1.2-2-ARCH folder (/lib/modules/4.1.2-2-ARCH/kernel). This is a problem because the MakeFile assumes that your build files and your driver files are all going into the same target folder (based on your uname -r output). I adjusted this so that it would work with my setup and you can do the same thing if you do a little digging. Anyway, here's the modified contents. You can copy and paste this into a new MakeFile and replace the one that comes in the repo and run the usual install commands mentioned above.

On second thought, I suppose you could try coping all the files from 4.1.3-1-ARCH/build to 4.1.2-2-ARCH/build and see if that works. Well, whatever.

TARGET		:= $(shell uname -r)
HOME		 = $(shell pwd)
KERNEL_MODULES2	:= /lib/modules/$(TARGET)
DRIVER		:= hid-apple
DRIVER_H	:= hid
MOD_SUBDIR	 = drivers/hid
DRIVER_M	:= bcm5974
MOD_SUBDIR_M	 = drivers/input/mouse

hid-y		:= hid-core.o hid-input.o hid-debug.o hidraw.o

obj-m	:= $(DRIVER).o $(DRIVER_H).o $(DRIVER_M).o

MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory

.PHONY: all install modules clean

all: modules

modules clean:

install: modules
	install --backup --mode 644 --group root --owner root $(DRIVER).ko $(KERNEL_MODULES2)/kernel/$(MOD_SUBDIR)
	install --backup --mode 644 --group root --owner root $(DRIVER_H).ko $(KERNEL_MODULES2)/kernel/$(MOD_SUBDIR)
	install --backup --mode 644 --group root --owner root $(DRIVER_M).ko $(KERNEL_MODULES2)/kernel/$(MOD_SUBDIR_M)
	depmod -a $(TARGET)

Last but not least, thank you SicVolo for making this patch into an easy to install package. This was originally made to run on Ubuntu, but as you can see, it works with Arch Linux. SicVolo has been active in the bugzilla post where he and a number of others (in particular Henrik Rydberg) have been working hard on getting this patch out. I can confirm that the keyboard backlight works, the touchpad works (right click, taps, etc), and the function key works.

I really hope this helps someone!

EDIT 7/31/15:
I wanted to add that while the function keys work, they seem to be in a perpetual state of working. That is, I do not need to use the "fn" key to activate them. Also, the media keys are not working. Has anyone had trouble dimming their screen brightness? I can't get that working, either. Cheers.

EDIT 8/1/15:
So my system needed to upgraded to reflect the new 4.1.3 kernel. So make sure you sudo pacman -Syu before you start. You won't have to alter the Makefile. Function keys are still a little screwy.

Thanks for the tips!
After getting through the steps my right click works! Yay.
But there is something that stops my joy - my keyboard stops working. I can't even log in.
Any clues?

Last edited by enedil (2015-08-10 00:00:25)


#17 2015-08-10 00:16:06

Registered: 2015-07-30
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Well that is strange @enedil. I don't have that problem on my end. I did run into some trouble the first time I went through this but it was that my mouse stopped working because I did not rebuild the kernel image before rebooting. I haven't had any trouble with the keyboard. What's your setup?


#18 2015-08-10 16:51:30

Registered: 2014-01-27
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Hardware is plain, unmodified MacBook Pro Retina 13" Early 2015.
Software - yesterday installed Arch Linux with Gnome Shell and GDM. Dual boot with Yosemite via rEFInd.

What I did to install this patch -
1. I installed linux-headers.
2. My kernel version was slightly newer than 4.1.3 (4.1.4), so I copied temporarely /lib/modules/4.1.4-1-ARCH to  /lib/modules/4.1.3-1-ARCH (or something similar - that what was mentioned after running make).
3. Make and make install went with an unsigned comparision warning (nothing bad at all).
4. mkinitcpio -p linux
5. reboot

After the reboot - keyboard is not working. I press anything - no sign of the actual button pushed. But I can right click with two fingers. Right now I restored original /lib/modules from ARCHISO. Better for me not to use right mouse key than no keyboard at all.


#19 2015-08-10 21:06:17

Registered: 2015-07-30
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Hey @enedil why did you copy the files over from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4? Did you modify the makefile? You probably don't have to modify it so long as you have updated your system before using sudo pacman -Syu.

Everything else looks ok, however. Do you have the synaptics driver installed? No idea why there is a conflict with the keyboard, works fine for me.


#20 2015-08-11 10:08:32

Registered: 2014-01-27
Posts: 7

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Now I don't even know why.

I have synaptics, I installed the patch again (this time went without copying). Same result - not working keyboard.


#21 2015-08-11 18:46:03

Registered: 2015-08-11
Posts: 1

Re: MacBook Pro Early 2015 13" - Version 12,x Touchpad issues

Perhaps the problem arise from having both synaptics and libinput (with catchall)?


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