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These days i m installing ArchLinux a lot of times, and a big problem is the time (as well as my memory )
I looked for a solution with no luck, so i created my solution
It's name is ArchLer.
This simple script will help you to install ArchLinux quickly.
I wrote this to install Arch on my pcs, so it lacks some things like UEFI, nvidia drivers, or the proxy configuration and more, because my pcs don't need these packages/configurations (and honestly, i don't know how to use them, yet)
ArchLer is simple:
The first option (i) will install Arch
The second option (s) will take care of the first configuration (in arch-chroot)
The third option (c) is the final stage where you install packages/configurations on your newly installed OS
The third option (c) has the abolity to load an external script named where you can add any command you need to install your preferred packages and configurations ecc...
The aim of this feature is to create a collection of all the written by you (the community) and make it available to everyone who needs it:
A could install and configure an xfce4 DE ready to work
A could install and configure a kde5 DE ready to work
and many more
*At the moment you will be able to install a basic openbox or xfce4 through ArchLer. If you need a different DE, skip that step.
Suggestions or requests are accepted
If you want to contribute, just ask here
Run it through, there's standard errors like wrong quoting, sudo redirection, and others.
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Thanks I'll take a look at it, in the past I have used two scripts written by Helmuthd
You can like linux without becoming a fanatic!
Pages: 1