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Install extra/bash-completion and you get bashcompletion for pacman -S.
How does it work? i have installed it but pacman -S gnome-pane does not give gnome-panel
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Gandalf, after installing bash completion, I believe you have to edit your .bashrc to load it. Sorry, I don't remember how, I use zsh now
I just opened up another terminal and it worked so I suppose export source /etc/profile.d/ should work to.
You have to give it a second because it takes time to read the database.
Adding this to ~/.bashrc should work also:
. /etc/bash_completion
I added the . /etc/bash_completion but
[wael@nasreddine ~]$ pacman -S xorbash: /usr/bin/find: Argument list too long
while looking for xorg, i added xor<Tab> and that's what i got hmmm...
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I have the same pb on my laptop, but not on my desktop. I don't know why.
I know why now, Actually i'm trying to do as regular user, as root it works fine, i can't do it even with prefixing it with sudo since the auto completion has not entered the sudo envirement yet (no Enter pressed)
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using sudo works fine for me. All I did was open up another terminal after installing it -no modifications to bashrc. Did you try sourcing as I described above?
I know why now, Actually i'm trying to do as regular user, as root it works fine, i can't do it even with prefixing it with sudo since the auto completion has not entered the sudo envirement yet (no Enter pressed)
Well on my desktop I don't need to be root (and I don't see the point to be root if you are just looking for a package with -Ss)
Edit: The update of bash-completion seemed to fix everything
quite nice...
it doesnt get packages from custom repositories though
it would be nice to do a local scan on pacman or something to see what packages it can autocomplete
however that might be slowing the process down I guess, as every pacman update _could_ resolv in new available packages, not likely however
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