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if (c.class == "Google-chrome") then
c.icon = capi.image ( "/home/arpan/.config/awesome/icons/chrome.png" )
I tried it to my tasklist.lua but I always got an error i.e attempt to call field 'image' (a nil value)
{ rule = { class = "Google-chrome" },
properties = { icon = beautiful.icon_chrome } },
Then I find another way to use properties icon in awful.rules and it worked but didn't change the icon instead it disabled the icon of that client.
Any solution why it is not working please..
hope u like it.. awesome-anxiety
I don't use awesomeWM, but generally it has pretty good documentation - yet I can't find any references for the methods you are attempting to use to set the icon. Has that worked before? Where did you get this code? Any references for this? The only other example of this type of code is your identical question on S.O.
If it were me I wouldn't try to do this through the WM, but through other mechanisms: the first would be desktop files.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
You could add, either in a theme or in the rc itself:
fedora_icon = wibox.widget.imagebox()
And then:
mymainmenu ={ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
{ "system config", menusystem, beautiful.fedora_icon},
Hope this helps
@ Trilby:
AwesomeWM is LUA based, and doesnt read .desktop files (nativly).
Last edited by esa (2015-05-21 12:10:43)
I got this code from here @Trilby: … 3#p1087653 and
what u r saying is quit a lengthy procedure changing icon for each(.desktop file)
i think it works on earlier versions of awesome but not in 3.5.6
want to set custom icon to my tasklist because i don't like many icon that comes by default for the clients
@esa: i'm not talking about setting icon in menu
Last edited by Talk2arpan (2015-05-21 16:31:38)
hope u like it.. awesome-anxiety