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I use arch linux and I have a dual boot with windows 8.
I need to virtualize the windows 8 partition (if possible with Qemu, but suggestions are welcome) and I found this in
the arch linux wiki: … inear_RAID.
My doubt is if I can follow these steps to virtualize the windows 8 or, because there is a partition with the EFI boot,
I have to do something extra.
i suspect it's not possible with post-XP windows at all, since such thing as hardware profiles support is gone.
so, windows certainly will detect it's running on another hardware, and i suspect it's going to refuse to start due to its licensing politics.
i did not try it myself though, so it's just a speculation.
— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love
I did it with Virtualbox following this guide.
It is in German though.