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#1 2015-06-28 10:41:45

Registered: 2015-06-28
Posts: 3

[SOLVED] pacman-optimize: Failed to set file flags


When running following command to optimize the pacman database:

sudo pacman-optimize

I get following output:

==> MD5sum'ing the old database...
==> Tar'ing up /var/lib/pacman/local...
==> Making and MD5sum'ing the new database...
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/lib/pacman/’: File exists
./gpicview-0.2.4-1/mtree: Failed to set file flags
./systemd-221-2/mtree: Failed to set file flags
./libssh2-1.6.0-1/mtree: Failed to set file flags
./anycoloryoulike-icon-theme-0.9.4-2/mtree: Failed to set file flags
bsdtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
==> ERROR: Untar'ing /var/lib/pacman/local failed.

I tried to manually remove


and re-run the command, but that didnt help.

Some observations I have made: Whenever I install a new package, it joins the list above.
The oldest package in that list is the "anycoloryoulike-icon-theme". Therefor, my guess is that this package maybe started the whole mess.
Note: When I installed the package, I did edit the pkgbuild file and replaced the "build()" function with "package()". It did install fine and it works without problems.

I run the newest linux-ck (repo-ck) kernel from aur and use BTRFS as filesystem.
I have been using this setup for quite some time and never had these problems with file flags.

I will most likely try to chroot into the system from my usb stick and remove / re-install all packages above, but before doing so,
I was wondering whether there is a quicker and easier solution.

Last edited by aragonix (2015-07-01 10:30:31)


#2 2015-07-01 10:28:46

Registered: 2015-06-28
Posts: 3

Re: [SOLVED] pacman-optimize: Failed to set file flags

Hi again,

I realize I should have done the following before even posting this thread. Anyways, I did eventually solve the problem and - just in case - here is how:

1) boot from usb and chroot into system

arch-chroot /mnt/

2) clean pacman cache to force re-download of packages

pacman -Scc

3) re-install packages

pacman -S systemd ... ... ....

Then I tried to optimize the database and everything works as expected:

==> Finished. Your pacman database has been optimized.


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