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#1 2006-03-24 21:46:21

Registered: 2006-03-11
Posts: 255

Godbye Metrix - read on:)

Hii, I thought for a long time about this, and decide to write this post.
First of all - SORRY for my not so good English.
well here we go wink

I heard about Linux a long time ago, back in elementary school and never gave it a chance, for me it was always some uncomprehended thing of geeks and only few people with the "force" as being said in Star Wars.
So like many others I have used Windows and every thing that Billi put out was almost my bible wink
I was undoubtedly in the METRIX, using only a bit of my computer power, but all I was care of was how cool my Office look like, or the fact I can do many nice things with the mice, and very few things with the keyboard (except of playing DOOM and so on  smile ).

So after some time, and after read many things and as a man that do some programming with his computer , I have decide give it a shot, and surprising, I hated it  :evil:
I couldn't do any thing I get used to in windows , easy here.
So, I forget about about it, and throw it to hell  :twisted:

After few years and after getting more brain  wink  I have decide trying a Live Cd and see what happend, I made my mind to not give up now, now metter what  :!:
and after many problems,questions and misfortunes, I have started to live it up the Linux way - I mean the Freedom way  :!:

So, after more time I made a decision to try even more advanced Linux, I thought about it for a long time, and for some reaons, like speed and cutting edge packages and kernel, I wen with ARCH :twisted:
and boy how my life even get a U-turn, I am really enjoy using it  :!:
I love pacman, love ABS, love the KISS principle and most of all the freedom I have with my system :twisted:
So I am free again to use my computer the way I like it !!
and yes, I am still a newbie, and have many problems here and there, but I allways learn new things and relly enjoy it :!:
Have a nice day, hope my story gave you smile, I know ARCH gave me more then a smile big_smile


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