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Hii, I have installd all the fonts there is on the PACMAN, and still when using program like FIREFOX in (KDE,Gnome or what ever) I see the title and menus in really small fonts.
In Gvim it is so small that its hardly can be read.
How can I fix it please?
Try to search the forum and/or wiki before asking. … mis-shapen.
screenie would be helpfull to clarify what you mean.
If you mean it's in the gtk/qt application menus whether using either gnome/kde, you can modify this within the font preferences of the desktop environment.
In gnome: system->preferences->font
Don't know in kde
Tanx I will try it later, didnt see it was on WIKI
If your fonts look ugly, try uninstalling xorg-fonts-75dpi and xorg-fonts-100dpi.
If your fonts look ugly, try uninstalling xorg-fonts-75dpi and xorg-fonts-100dpi.
I use KDE and If I uninstall xorg-fonts KDE doesn't start. I commented xorg-fonts in the xorg.conf and KDE didn't start. I got a lot of errors. After uncommented is everytjing okay.
BTW I use Bitstream Vera Sans Fonts.
AFAIK both gnome and kde will overwrite most font settings. Modifying local.conf & using the control centers should be enough when having gnome/kde installed.
ok I have tried using what is said in the wiki, my fonts are 75*75, that should be big enough on 19" screen with 1024x768 and still in many programs like firefox and gvim its more like 100+ (very small)
What Can I do?
Give us a screen shot.
how can I add here pics?
How to upload it?
Upload it to a free host like ImageShack and it will even give you the BBCode to post the image here in the forums.
ok here it is
look at the top menu for this small fonts
ok here it is
look at the top menu for this small fonts
As I already told you, you need to change that in the kde configuration center.
amm where?
I have gone to the fonts center and set it all to be size 13
Is there other place?
sorry, kde does not support font sizing of gtk applications....stupid...
anyway, this should fix it:
create a file named .gtkrc-2.0 in your home dir
and add a line similar to
gtk-font-name="Arial 12"
sorry, kde does not support font sizing of gtk applications....stupid...
Not by default but it is possible to change gtk-fonts from kcontrol if gtk-qt-engine is installed.
Ok seeting the .gtkrc-2.0 help, but still in GVIM when I write text its pretty small.
How can I fix it up?
Fonts inside the gVim window should be an unrelated problem...does it work trying to change the font through the menu? <code>Edit -> Select Font...</code> If that works, then you just have to add a line to your <code>~/.gvimrc</code> file to have it get set automatically every time, for instance, my configuration is:
set guifont=Terminus 12
No it doesnt work, it only make it have more space between each letter and relly ugly ones.
It seem that GVIM is using only 1/4 of my KDE screen when loading it, so after maximze it, the fonts stay small.
Is there a way to change it?
Change the DPI settings in firefox preferences. I think you have too small for your resolution.
Change the DPI settings in firefox preferences. I think you have too small for your resolution.
I think the firefox problem is already solved with the .gtkrc-2.0 file
As for the gvim problem, I have no idea, I'm not using either kde nor gvim
amm, It seem that GVIM think that I runing it on 640x480 or something, mayve there it has good fonts, but under 1024x768 it is very small
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