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I try to use ru_RU.utf8 locale. But when I start X, some programs (xterm for example) give me subj. warning and can not display cyrilic symbols.
(In console russian text displayed properly)
Tell me please, what should I do.
Xterm kinda sucks... try urxvt instead of xterm. Package is rxvt-unicode.
May be it sucks, but it works well in other distros I used...
And problem not only in xterm. It is only example...
Another example:
$ psi
Qt: Locales not supported on X server
Maybe you already did that but did you followed the instructions on the front page news:
No, I did not.
I use 2.3.5 glibc version.
And because of console apps works well and locale -a gives this locale, I think that my glibc supports it...
Problem appears only with X apps.
It seems I found the problem.
I do 'locale -a | grep ru_RU' and it gives me
I export proper LANG & LC_ALL and get the problem with X.
Right way is ignore 'locale -a' output and set locale to ru_RU.UTF-8 instead ru_RU.utf8.
May be it a bug report?
I fix all problems and add xlib ru_RU.UTF-8 locale package into the AUR. … =1&ID=4181
If somebody have problems with X apps in ru_RU.UTF-8, he should search for "GTK1 ru_RU.UTF-8" keywords.
This problem is common for all X apps that uses X Core font. by default does not support this locale.
hmm, thanks for this. I had the excact same problem only with nb_NO.utf8 locale and locale -a gave me that one... So i sat LANG and LC_ALL(what are all these $L*'s anyway?) to nb_NO.UTF-8 and also rc.conf. The "locale not supported by Xlib" and similar disappeared. looking in /etc/rc.sysinit i see that it will be sat on startup now
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
reported a bug:
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Unfortunately, when messages dissapeared after setting ru_RU.UTF-8, problem with fonts in X core font apps still present.
This is the reason why I made this package.
And it seems that utf8/UTF-8 is the feature, not a bug....
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