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(solved with networkmanager-openvpn-1.0.6-2)
OpenVPN connections worked fine for me under previous versions of (qt)-NetworkManager, but now I get a message that the service can't be started. The most likely cause seems to be
Aug 27 21:26:19 spork NetworkManager[523]: <warn> VPN connection 'xxxxxxx' failed to connect: 'User 'nm-openvpn' not found, check NM_OPENVPN_USER.'.
Aug 27 21:26:19 spork NetworkManager[523]: <warn> error disconnecting VPN: Could not process the request because no VPN connection was active.
However, I can't find any mention of nm-openvpn or NM_OPENVPN_USER online (and attempting to set the latter to something sensible doesn't seem to help). Does anyone know what's going on?
Last edited by martinc2 (2015-08-29 22:40:03)
Same error. but i can connect through terminal by
sudo openvpn <.ovpn>
Last edited by naghmash (2015-08-27 21:43:24)
Yep broken for me, and everyone else. Not good.
AnAkkk provided a preliminary fix for the problem:
groupadd -r nm-openvpn
useradd -r -g nm-openvpn -d / -s /sbin/nologin -c "Default user for running openvpn spawned by NetworkManager" nm-openvpn
Last edited by masolit (2019-12-03 16:10:11)
Same issue here, I do not get the same logs because it is accessed through KDE:
Aug 28 17:20:47 MyPC kde5-nm-connection-editor[9234]: QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
Aug 28 17:20:47 MyPC kde5-nm-connection-editor[9234]: plasma-nm: Item "MyVPN" : active connection state changed to 0
Aug 28 17:20:47 MyPC kde5-nm-connection-editor[9234]: plasma-nm: Item "MyVPN" : connection updated
Aug 28 17:20:47 MyPC kde5-nm-connection-editor[9234]: plasma-nm: Item "MyVPN" : connection updated
Aug 28 17:20:47 MyPC kde5-nm-connection-editor[9234]: plasma-nm: Item "MyVPN" : active connection removed
Aug 28 17:20:47 MyPC kde5-nm-connection-editor[9234]: plasma-nm: Checking VPN "MyVPN" type: "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openvpn"
Solved with the solution above.
Last edited by Ekaradon (2015-08-28 15:28:07)