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anyone try xgl with e17? i enabled the opengl stuff in e17 and tried running it with xgl. but e seg. faulted and xgl just kept running. e seemed to close even when i ran it in x. but i'm trying a different config now... just wanted to know if anyone else has tried it.
what do u mean u enabled opengl in e17? is that some sort of compiler option? can it not be done from the e17 in the foiny repo?... also woudnt u need to use compiz as your WM replacing e17's one
anyway let us know how it turns out, im interested in the same thing.
Compiz was made just to show what can be done with xgl, when xgl gets alot more stable all the major WMs/DEs will take advantage of xgl. You can't run e17 with compiz, coz compiz needs to replace the wm wich is what makes E17.
Did u ask fouiny if he has opengl enabled in his packages?
And yes it's a compile option.
you can run any wm in xgl not only compiz. i've run e17 in xgl before, it was a long time ago. I am just trying to do it again. also i'm not using a repo for e17 i got the source from cvs and built it myself.
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